
Please tell Chris that I have righteous rage on her behalf and to keep fighting the good fight. 

I know Chris and this take is 100 percent correct. She is competent, just and fair. She probably told him that he’d have to start doing his job correctly and held him accountable for his actions.

Ah, the sweet, sweet sound of unearned privilege being revoked.

In my experience, nothing makes a misogynist, half-assing dude go from zero to sputtering Kavanaugh than a woman finally holding him accountable at work.

A few other choice nuggets from the Outside article:

Yup. More specifically, by a single member of the club. There was only one complainant in the grievance filed against her--a guy whose main complaint was that she punished him on the multiple occasions that he refused to do his job. smh. 

So basically - the woman hired to replace the guy fired for enabling a He Man Woman Hater’s club is harassed out of her job by the He Man Woman Hater’s club. 

The National Park Service still exists in 1916. My fellow rangers used the n-word almost daily. They don’t give a shit about employment law. There’s very much an attitude of, “We ARE the government, so we make the rules, and no outsiders can tell us what to do.” I’ve got stories for hours. All I’ll say is they need to

It’s almost as if the rich want to hoard more wealth than they could reasonably spend in 10 lifetimes, while buying off politicians to make that happen. Then getting the politicians and media to blame the “other” (immigrants etc) for the poor remaining poor.

In places where they have tried UBI, most people still work anyways, because, yes, most people actually do like working, and especially because UBI only covers basics, if you want nicer things, it won't be covered. So many people continue to be fooled by her veneer smile and bad buzzwords, when she's just a pretty

Right, because the UBI is just there to make sure if you lost your job, you would not become homeless and die. It isn’t there to live high off the hog from. #UBIqueens

It’s weird that the people most against “handouts” aren’t in favor of a 100% estate tax. Children of the wealthy should be allowed to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, unhindered by all that unearned wealth.

Ok, so, Ivanka’s batshit statement was actually about a universal basic income, not minimum wage, which I was referencing above. Turns out it was in an original draft of AOC’s GND, but it’s not in the one currently being voted on.

In Dickensian England, she probably would have argued that it’s wrong to tell children how to live their lives or what “being a child” really means, and therefore denying them the opportunity to grow and seek upward mobility in workhouses is really not in their best interest.

I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something,

The uber rich take and take so that we don’t have to. One of their many societal burdens.

When I got a new job, going from $11 an hour to $28 an hour, the first thing I told my new employer was “hey, can you lower me back to $11 an hour? Because, you know, I want to feel like I’m working for what I get.”

“I don’t think most Americans, in their heart, want to be given something,” said Trump, whose job came from her father.

I’m surprised the kids are somehow stupider than the father when they’re only half him...

No lie - when I consider attending a large, densely packed event, one of the things that goes through my mind is weighing the likelihood of some butt-hurt fragile white man-child showing up to shoot everyone.