
Informally some might characterize a person with this level cognitive capacity as being in a type of coma.

The family has said again and again that the victim is not in a vegetative state, she is extremely mentally and physically disabled. The linked article identifies her as unable to walk or talk, but she is awake and as aware as someone could be under those circumstances. I think people want to believe this was a

It’s not that they disagree with what *you* are saying *here.* It’s that they disagree with the general attitude that everyone who does a bad thing should get beaten twice - once when they’re caught, and once when they try to atone for it.

So.....his argument is that she consented even though incapacitated.....?

Starting out pleading not guilty is standard in a case like this. He may still plead guilty later.

Acts of atonement are fine and wonderful. If those acts of atonement involve direct contact with populations they’ve abused in the past, people also have a right to be cautious and ensure rehabilitation has fully happened before supporting them. No one would raise flags if Tyler started a charity to protect endangered

So the woman isn’t in a coma - she is apparently severely disabled and there’s no way she’d ever be able to consent. CNN did a better job of explaining her situation:

You realize it’s not automatically a good thing, right? It’s not unreasonable to make sure that a 70-year-old rock star with a history of sleeping with teenagers is *actually* doing something useful with the shelter.

I can’t account for Tyler’s recollection of the needle as a part of the abortion. My guess is they did an amnio as part of her workup after the fire to determine harm to the fetus after her extreme level of oxygen deprivation, and Tyler misunderstood what that was for. Possibly it all became fuzzy in his memory (this

I am with you. But Tyler describes it similarly in his recounting in his memoir, stating that there was a needle to the belly, then he saw the fetus come out dead (the idea that it was alive and then died is absurd, of course).

This is totally some bullshit language... Jez never should have quoted it.  Totally unnecessary for the story. 



Yeah, it’s extremely unfortunate that Julia Holcomb is now an anti-choice asshole and very ardently involved in Silence No More.

I decided not to have children, literally because I wanted to ensure the cycle of abuse was broken, and I just couldn’t promise myself I would never ever do any of what my parents did to me. I know I would never purposely hurt any child, but I’m emotionally broken, sometimes, and I don’t know what impact that would

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

Jimmy Savile, Jerry Sandusky and Michael Jackson used charity as a way to rise above suspicion while getting access to a vulnerable pool of potential victims, and increase the odds that anyone who could catch them in the act had a reason to look the other way. The facility is fine only as long as Tyler isn’t allowed

If his only connection to it is funding it and he has no contact with the girls, has no say in how the facility is run, and the facility follows best practices - it might be a good thing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like he has avoided contact with the girls, and it doesn’t sound like he has acknowledged any harm

OMG, are you kidding me with that forced-birther propaganda bullshit? “they punctured my uterus with a large needle and left me alone... the baby came out of me alive and was allowed to die.” That’s straight fantasy. That is not how abortions work. 

guy did bad thing, does good thing later on. media doesnt talk about bad thing when mentioning the good thing.