
The sad thing is I have a (smart & important!) friend (who is still working full time!) who (important to note, this was before she actually had kids, but had the husband) said she wouldn’t trust her husband alone with the kids before they hit a certain age. I just thought why tf would you have kids with a guy you

2/10 homophobic troll. 

My 80 year old dad never changed a diaper or spent much time with us. He is now so consumed with guilt and regret, and often talks about the great relationships my brothers have with their kids. He’s trying really hard with the grandkids, but gets pretty overwhelmed with the younger ones, because he never learned any

“I’m so wildly incompetent as a parent — indeed, more incompetent than most human beings age twelve and up — that I might literally kill my own child due to negligence! This is a thing I think is funny.” 

As a Dad, this really bothers me on a visceral level. Who WOULDN’T want to spend time with your kid?!? He’s YOUR KID. This will definitely impact them since “Dad doesn’t seem to care” which in turn will influence their parenting style which perpetuates this indifference.

I just read an article (I can’t find it now) on Japan’s right wing doing the same things the American right wing is, including violence against the vulnerable.

Same here. I have a 14-month old daughter, and the dad with his daughter was all the feels.

Yeah, as a white male I admit I teared up, especially at the idea of a responsive, involved father. I don’t think I would have been a different person if my dad had been like that, but I wouldn’t have needed so much therapy, that’s for sure.

Years ago, I was (against my will because it was at work) listening to Dr. Laura back when she still existed. She was relating a story of young boys acting up in the stands of a softball game and it got to the point where they were throwing things and swearing. Suddenly, a man-among-men boomed down from a few seats

I was just joking when I called you a bitch and threatened to come over to your house and kill your cat because you re-tweeted a razor commercial. GOD STOP BEING SO SENSITIVE!”

Absolutely not trolling, I would love it

Dood here.  All’s I’m saying is that I shaved using Gillette products today and I immediately grew a uterus and had my first period. They not only took my manhood away, but they went the full 180 and girl-ified me. Now I’m sitting here trying to figure out exactly where I pee from and binge-watching ‘Sex and the

I checked it out on Youtube, and then the, there’s several fortunes waiting for psychotherapists who can figure out how to tap that fucked-up market.

If I’m being completely honest, this commercial made me tear up. I’m a 37 year white male and a father and the parts where they show the boys watching their dads stand up for other people and learning how to be the “best a man can be” and the bit where the dad is teaching his daughter to believe in herself really hit

It drives me fucking crazy that men rage at women for supposedly ignoring what they deal with trying to “man up” - including the expectation to experience physical violence as a rite of passage...and they’re angry at this.

It’s amazing how far MRAs will go to make themselves look like the caricature of men they pretend not to be.

Are you suggesting that Pepsi and Kendall jenner didn’t solve racism forever?

There’s a lot of discussion to be had over whether this ad—well intentioned as it is—is framing men as saviors and decent, not-bad behavior as heroic, whether it goes to far in centering men and their experiences, whether corporate statements of virtue mean anything at all. These are all good conversations.

On a fully

Why are you people always singling out men?

“A shaving ad written by pink-haired feminist scolds is about as effective as a tampon ad written by middle aged men… count this 30-year customer out.”