
Well, she did want to explain institutional racism, seems like she hit the nail on the head.

Straight white males, the hidden/real victims of racism.

Let me get this straight: a black woman tries to teach white men about racism. White men complain. Institution sides with the white men.

You'd be amazed at how many times I got complimented for "getting healthy" and "taking better care of myself" when I was in the midst of a flaming eating disorder.

Please, please stop giving attention to this woman. From everything I've read about her and heard her say, she sounds very much like someone who is dealing with severe body image and eating disorder issues (in this article alone, I'm struck by how she calls herself average - that alone shows she doesn't have an

Look, she's not saying people with cerebral palsy should be more able-bodied, she's just saying they should aspire to able-bodiedness, because having cerebral palsy is super unhealthy.

Haha!! Right? I have horrible IBS, worry constantly when I eat in public that it will act up, and have pretty significant anemia that I have to constantly monitor due to it. This woman is ridiculous.

Since she's so worried about health, I wonder if she shames every woman posting about visiting a tanning bed or showing off their tan...

I'm sure this lady would take one look at me and deem me "healthy." But OH, what lies beneath the skinny surface...

The thing that really bothers me about this woman(setting aside the fact she seems dumb as toast) is that there are a couple thousand places online where slender women can post photos of themselves and be praised for their awesome genetics/dieting skill/fitness. There are a relatively tiny number of places where size

Kind of surprised it's gone comparatively unmentioned how ridiculously fucking ableist Kang is on top of everything else. Does her seething contempt for everyone who works out less than she does (or just looks like they do) apply to, say, people with cerebral palsy?
Actually, probably, so never mind.

...Doug left out another critical piece to the story: she did it while seriously injured herself. o.0 According to the AP story, she suffered such a bad chest injury, she couldn't whistle (thinking probably punctured lungs).

Why wonder? If she could, she would have. Since she didn't, she couldn't. As for the specifics of why, it can't have been pleasant: maybe the kid was pinned down by wreckage, maybe impaled, who knows? I wouldn't question the mother's level of care here.

Oh my God, that woman is incredible. Strength, smarts, selflessness. I am so sorry for her that she lost her son. I hope having saved others brings her some comfort in all of the difficulties ahead. She unquestionably did the best that she could.

Hey, thanks for that detailed description of your penis and your sexual technique. We love hearing about individual dicks and how their men feel about them, regardless of how apropos they are to the subject at hand (even more than we like seeing unsolicited pictures of them!). You've alleviated a serious shortcoming

For the love of Gob, please stop calling her J Law.

"At the time, Steubenville area radio host David Bloomquist, known as "Bloomdaddy,” said he thought the 14-year-old was making it up. "I guess the best way to sum up what I'm saying is this: It's easier to tell your parents you were raped than, 'Hey mom or dad, I got drunk and decided to let three guys have their way

I just want to take a quick many of you recall the definition of consent and the importance of establishing it, being at all mentioned and discussed in your sexual education courses in public school?

"This community has suffered a great deal,"

If I read another statement from someone saying this community has suffered a lot I will fill in an application for the first mars migration. They discover yet another rape of an underage girl that these people covered up and they are talking about how this community has suffered enough? I'm sorry, do you mean all the