
You and me both, bro. 5k 5 times a week? Still fat. They can kiss my fat brown ass.

I feel you. A nurse who took my vitals while I was training for a tri said "Wow, we normally only see this kind of heart rate in athletes!" I told her I was an athlete and she just looked confused. Apparently size 12 and athlete are incompatible in her world.

I run 4x a week. Still fat. I have a resting heart rate in the high 50s and my blood pressure and cholesteral are awesome. I have thyroid disease and even with daily medication it is nearly impossible (not IMPOSSIBLE but would require 800 calories a day) to lose anything. I'm so tired of people equating thiness with

But for a person whose idea of celebrating her own confidence includes writing What's your excuse? over a picture of her near-naked body possibly can't understand the idea of pride divorced from coercion.

Maybe if you spend all of your time proselytizing for your cause, as this woman seems to do, it makes it impossible to process the idea that everyone else isn't doing the same thing. The women in the Curvy Girl campaign weren't demanding that everyone who saw their pictures change their bodies to look just like them,

I think a core lack of understanding on behalf of Kang is that obesity in this country is heavily (haha) tied to socioeconomic status. Being healthy in this county is expensive. Knowing how to cook a well rounded meal and how to circuit train is something of a luxury to grow up knowing.
When you have little money and

What this lady did sucks, but I'm kinda annoyed that she got banned faster than the Roastbusters did.

After a recent rant about how there is "unrelenting support" for people who are "borderline obese," she's been banned from Facebook. But she is not sorry for fat-shaming, no sir.

In the study, 40 heterosexual men in LTRs were shown photos of their partners as well as photos of stranger ladies, all while a dosing themselves with oxytocin (or, alternately, a placebo) via a nasal spray.

Like wearing clothing and taking modern medicine.

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of heads exploding in faux outrage over at Fox News.

To be fair, Dr. Hawass is kind of a dick. He's been around forever, usually in the capacity of trying to "protect" Egyptian antiquities from exploitation while simultaneously exploiting them to gain fame and money.

Wow... He banned her from his tour for being rude and then "called Beyonce stupid and left".

One could likely argue that cancer is overall more devastating to one's life than herpes but... There's plenty of research being done into curing the herp my friend.

Archives of Sexual Behavior is basically a journal dedicated to justifying 1950s gender roles in the name of science.

This study proves you are actually a lady. It is science.

Yes, please nobody conclude that evo psych (as commonly understood by MRAs) is any kind of science, social or otherwise.

Well, this clearly is top-notch scientific research. You might reflect a new mutation of H. sapiens. You better have some babies who might inherit your deviant genes to make some evolutionary changes, ASAP!

Hey now, I have a degree in the social sciences, and we all thought that evo-psych bullshit was complete bullshit and damaging to research. And MRAs were a fucking joke for us, too!

"HARD WIRED" = The MRA go-to phrase for "Social Science".