
I have hair just like Vanessa's, only much longer. I'm also whiter than the driven snow, and have green eyes. Kids picked on me all throughout school, but I never got sent home. They got punished (when they were caught). This is obviously a racially motivated decision on the school's part, and they should be ashamed

"Got her drunk"? Let's allow for the fact that she isn't her husband's automaton and admit that she got herself drunk.

Why do people take pictures with things they've hunted?

The good news is that means you're not a sociopath. :D

Let's say this is real. Why would a man do that to his wife? For shits and giggles? I don't get it.

I'd agree. This is rape culture, not gaming culture. Gamers have their problems as well, but it seems like the only tie here is that the creep used a console rather than a phone to violate his wife's privacy.

It seems to me like the headline should be "Man appears to sexually assault his wife".

Disgusting. The man whom she loves and trusts got her drunk, exposed her to the world and who knows what else.
Rape culture is alive and well, sadly.
What a vile pig.

I don't think we need a law, but I'm with you in supporting them for life. Will definitely buy that book and donate to the cause.

Can we please pass a law that these women get everything they want for the rest of their lives?

I have some problems with her god-centric view of the world, but I hope her book makes a billion bucks. There isn't enough money in the world to compensate her for what she went through.

Michelle, you're my hero.

I watched the 2 hours of her interview on Dr. Phil last month. He set up a donation page for her. After watching the first hour, I donated. I don't care if she spends the money on tattoos, piercings or candy. Those women should not have to worry about money for the next decade, at least. And I hope Castro spends

I'm also really curious about the implications that this has for trans men, and I wish one of the articles that I'd read on this change addressed it.

Seriously, this woman blows me away. Every time she has spoken publicly, she has done so from a place of strength and positivity. I endured a trauma of my own, and it lasted for a day - one day, and it took me years to gain the kind of perspective that she seems to have had since the time of their escape. I hope for

She was the victim I was most concerned for after their escape as her family didn't seem interested in looking for her. Good to see she seems to be doing well. Hopefully she can build a future.

Damn that blows. i hate when that happens. team projects get on my last nerve. my boss feels the need to explain everything to me in kids terms. like i can't comprehend a mildly complex business structure. the women in my office are slowly getting pushed to the breaking point. a revolt is soon upon us.

Exactly. i have student loans..can't fuck with the payments. Thanks for that email! i think i'm just going to compile all that i've done, the new clients i've won them and see what the response is. in the past, people that have asked for raises just get less work. we're at a point where i don't think they can afford

I feel you. I do research for different people at my huge ass working place every day. Every damn day one of the guys I'm doing research for explains how to do research, not what they want me to research, but how to do my fucking job. I want to yell at all of them, "Hey buddy, you came to me, the expert in doing

Ugh. That sucks. And what also sucks is you can't really say, fuck this, I'm out. I understand. I was there a few months ago...and I'm still kind of there. But, have you tried asking for a raise? Try it this way— Make a list of all the stuff you do that you think qualifies you for a raise. Write it in an email and be