It looks like someone gave a shit, and that’s something new for the aggressively form-follows-function world of space hardware.
So was George Carlin’s dog, Tippy.
Why in God’s name would anyone rush out and get the “new” Ford Ranger when 2 years down the line the whole damn thing will be redone?
Buster Posey’s sister did it too!
Japanese love Crocs. There is at least one pair in every genkan I have ever been to. Sometimes you just need a “shoe” that you can slip on real quick if you are just heading outside for a second.
Taco leases are amazing. I know because I have one. 2 years ago, my 2nd Audi A4 lease was up (Yeah, I lease. So what? I own a business and I like having the ability to deduct a portion of my payments.) I jumped into a Tacoma lease after my Audi. I was paying Roughly $660 on a 12,000 mile, Zero Down lease with sales…
Because they are better.
“Sales are the important thing in this business.”
You are only a war criminal if your side loses.
Beat me to it.
I just shot off that original comment without thinking about it.
Fuck. I’m an idiot. I don’t know why I typed that. I guess I just have the famous Brit, Oscar Pistorius, on my mind.
What are the guesses on a delivered cost for a Rubicon Gladiator?
My cousin has a Delica and I love it! I keep telling him that the next time I go visit him in Southern Japan, I’m going to drive that car onto a shipping container and he will never see it again. It is funny though, he is in love with my Tacoma TRD Offroad that I have here in the United States. I guess we all lust…
We’re not a bank, Jerry.