
Damn, these are pretty good chips. I haven't had them since I have been to Japan, but Jesus, they were the best.

In fact, the US average right now is $2.117, which is the lowest in nearly six years. US refineries are taking advantage and running at full tilt in order to bank on the savings.

Its impolite to stare.

$3K is not enough. The price needs to be under that of Mercedes and BMW. These cars are status cars, and no one will look at a Cadillac the same way they look at its German competitors (at least not for a while, thanks a lot Cimarron). If Cadillac wants to go after a group in this market, they would be better off

Cayman My Ass!

The tan tell me its a Boeing

Tucking a t-shirt into cargo pants? Proof that having money and driving a Tesla doesn't make you cool.

Nice SUV

The EU version of most German "SUVs" sit lower than their American counterparts to keep them from being labeled as light trucks. I'm guessing you could add a couple more inches to the height of the car to get an idea of what it is going to look like over here.

Now playing

45,000 feet in 77 seconds. That was faster than the Saturn V rocket to that altitude. It also made its way to 98,00 feet in 207 seconds.

What do I win?

Guess what happens next?

Snow was this car's Kryptonite. You were guaranteed to get stuck some place if you had to come to a complete stop on an un-plowed street.

The airbrush is alive and well at most second tier amusement parks.

Too Many Quall-ms

Let's never fight again.

Rape culture.