
I would buy 40 of these and start my own racing league. Pay to play. I could probably make a pretty good living at it.

I agree completely. New Vegas was just one of those great games. 70% of all of my kills were made with this gun.

Nevar Forget

(702) 385-7912

OK, guys. A minimum of four passes before you take a shot.

No more concessions


Someone is going to have something to say about all of this...

since the invention of screaming at people from a balcony

Another critic, Rich Pellegrino, said the process was stacked against people who couldn't leave work early and spend hours in line waiting to speak.

Hell, if GM just renames itself Jaguar, Jalopnik would have nothing but glowing articles about them.

Looks like those Muslims were right - women have no place behind the wheel.

"Needs a lot of work" is county speak for "still has black people in it."