
Well, if it looks anything like the CTS Coupe, dat ass gonna be WAY up in the air.

Lymph-dick disease.

This would be someplace off to the bottom right.


Just a guy takin a shit...

2001 MotorTrend & North American Car of the Year: Chrysler PT Cruiser

I just rented this for a 5k roadtrip out to the South West United States. Here are my reactions:

How about losing some weight? Instead of drunkenly stubling around the night before a flight, how about going to the gym and getting some rest? How do you expect anyone to have respect for you when you don't even respect your own body?

Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens.

As a 'Merican driving a German car, it took me a good long while to understand what this baby did.

generated totally randomly by a computer

BMW will come out with one that takes up 2 spots on your bookshelf.

If the kid had Poor-lio he would be getting pounded up the ass in prison as we speak.