
I backed this project as a straight remake of system shock. Then immediately after they had their money they said that they were changing direction, and now this.

Fuck you

Super Metroid on my new SNES Classic Mini, Final Fantasy XII (Ps4)
and hopefully some original Mario Kart with my wife on the aforementioned SNES mini.

1. Scalpers can suck it.
2. Love the Moroboshi Ataru avatar.

Link to the Past isn’t a roleplaying game.

Which is odd, because Final Fantasy IX is superior to VII in most every way.

I’m not from Hanover, but I live only about 25 minutes from there.

Man... The meth is DLC in the Ps4 version.

I got my copy today, and the booklet was damaged. (sad face)

I’ve spent a few hours with my brand new Switch, and I am also having the same issues after the day one update.

He’s still a dick for doing it that way.

Why are you jumping to the conclusion that they’re not going to improve their online service? I’d say the fact that they’re going to start charging for it is evidence that they’re going to attempt to bring the system up to speed with Sony and Microsoft. How successful they will be remains to be seen, but I hope they

You see, it just kinda killed things for me. I get why they did it, but it made it less Doom-like, and fucked the tone for me as well. It’s not a bad game, but that was a huge flaw that hurt it.

What bothered me about the new Doom was the over reliance on the melee finishers. If I am playing a Doom game, all I need is an arsenal of big guns and a chainsaw. It seems like it was trying too hard to be “HARDCORE!” Bleh

Why? That’s incredibly fucking stupid. Would it have been a problem if they had shown her with a boyfriend in the exact same situations? No? Then you know why this thing needs to be normalized. It shouldn’t be fucking political that two girls or two men are in a relationship, and until the time where it’s so

It’s only worth mentioning because of the history of how homosexuality has been viewed in this country. Allowing a gay character in a game like this not only tells us about her, but helps to normalize something that should be as matter of fact as being straight is. People who live in areas where there isn’t a lot of

I always preferred the game with the original Japanese cast. To each his own, I guess.

The Romine brothers have gotten too greedy, and just shot themselves in both feet. They didn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to their lawsuit against Jim Sterling, and now they destroyed their only real source of game development revenue. If their games are no longer on Steam, who is going to buy them? Pathetic

No, you’re right. It is the objectively better looking game.

Based on what I had heard from Hayes before that, and all that I had learned about Scientology.. I had no doubt in my mind that it was the church that forced him out. Scientology as a group is absolutely frightening. They’ve ruined lives, (allegedly) murdered people to get their way. I feel sorry for those who are

Needs more Gitaroo Man.