a poor man’s tom hardy
a poor man’s tom hardy
Tom Hardy awakens every primal, animalistic urge inside of me.
You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.
My 2-year-old niece is pretty adorable and spunky!
I would actually rather watch fish swim around in a barrel than watch a Nicholas Sparks movie.
Is it leek? Is it fenugreek? WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?!
Stop torturing people over the age of 30 with this fleek shit.
I love this show because it totally challenges the whole stupid notion that every single gay person is some sort of savvy, fabulous amazing person who has all the answers.
I just wanted to mention how technically impressive this episode was. The show always looks great, but there were some virtuosic tracking shots that I don't think they've attempted before. The scene where Patrick is unable to find his way out of the apartment building and Kevin is following him through the halls and…
I did this too, fresh off of 15 consecutive years being married. I basically went from my parents' house to setting up home with my husband, then when my marriage broke down I started dating another guy 6 weeks after the separation. I eventually married this second guy and had our fledgling marriage go up in a…
Noone else i talk to in real life watches this show so i have to take out all my opinions here, sorry.
UPDATE: The T-shirt can be found here.
I know I feel like this movie would really benefit from my boyfriend, Zefron, dancing skills
Big cats like boxes, too.
Manuel Ferrara is the only man that should be on this list. The end.