
This is the SECOND snarky article Jez has published today about the gun violence prevention movement and Wear Orange. Over the past 25 years, more intimate partner homicides in the U.S. have been committed with guns than with all other weapons combined. The folks who organized Wear Orange work EACH AND EVERY DAY to

Can we give some mad props to DOJ for following up? I'm sure it's too late for many, and the culture of fear created will keep many survivors from coming forward, but at least its something..

No, no. We learned this in Louisiana's abstinence- only sex ed: If you are irresponsible enough to have all that slutty sex then you must accept that one day you could be a dead and deteriorating unwilling incubator. That's what happens, guys. You get preggos, you suffer the consequences. Any other way would be...

Acctually, not to ruin your day, but I was once a paralegal on a huge "willed bodies" case in which people donated their bodies to our local med school, but somehow the bodies were sold (or gifted? Seriously *this* was the legal crux) to the ARMY and BLOWN UP IN KEVLAR TESTS. Yes, really.

Oh and this video was done by Bob Weisz and Josh Ente who'd just wrapped on Beasts of the Southern Wild. I think Bob was/ is one of the Court 13 boys. This was only a few months before they piled in a van for Sundance, which they won. Small town, eh?

Y'all, seriously, not only is Freedia ahhhamazing (and totally professional and courteous in person) but twerking/ bounce is not some new thing invented- and done OhSo badly by Miley- it has deep cultural and socio-econ ties in NOLA. Pre-Katrina New Orleans was dominated by its several public housing blocks, or

Saddest thing- if you disregard the obvious youth of her face, this is "body you want in your short shorts" and could be any starved Hollywood-ite out there. Her body is the mainstream beauty-standard of the mo. Till you realise she is 12!!! Ugh. When will society appreciate post-pubescent realness?

I am so in love with this aritist's handmade fascinators! Like the old timey English ones, but sans monarchy.

OH hells yes! That just became my desktop background. Thanks for showing our faabulous irreverence instead of reporting that we're all gonna die. Seriously, nobody woulda cared one bit in 2004...