
This looks like it needed a bit more time getting the animations down from what I am seeing here. Punch out only had so many frames to work with and worked with them. This game seems to do a weird in-between animation thing where you get the super stiff movements of old punchout games and the more modern smooth

I don’t velieve the PS5 is coming this year myself, but I would not be shocked if they showed it at E3 this year so they could start building hype for 2 years.

As someone who has met Stephen Totillo at cons that is not a compliment. (and for those who are going to come into this thread and defend him, this is what sarcasm looks like, I am being sarcastic.... THIS INTERNET.... THIS IS WHAT YOU KEEP MISSING)

I scrolled down to literally say this.

Is it?

It;s what should have happened to madden happening to the wrong game!

Final Fantasy Dissidia NT, as KEFKA

The last one... Cookies sure were good.

Tim has the best outros.

I find that amusing more than anything else. TP controlled so much better than WW. I was not a fan of Windwaker for the stupid clippy controls alone, Ocarina 64 controlled better than it.

I think this can be greay for eventual video game ai.

The strangest thing I have seen with people talking about Smash is the assertion that if they don’t change the engine it is not a new game. I don’t think people understand what a new game actually is.

Time to rock out with my mokori out.

Our McDonalds still have Hot Mustard, god of sauces.

I think death by videogame is the only appropriate way for a professional videogame expert to die, and hey at least you won’t die hungry.

It’s not a unicorn head, it’a an alicorn head.... Get it right. We have Twilight Sparkle Presents The Godfather right here.

He is also literally the main character since the beginning when he faced Bulma shooting him in the face repeatedly establishing him as bulletproof.

Man I hope it had a Zelda Encyclopedia esque Timeline for all the games, that would be amazing.