
Surprising. I would have thought his comment would have geared more towards "Sandra Fluke just needs to get hitched, and be barefoot and pregnant." How progressive of Rep Walsh.

it cool. i'm there wit ya, lol

However, I DO really appreciate the look into plus-sized models. Thanks!

Showcasing black models/people is important, but why is that the only ethnicity you focus on? Yes, black models are rarely given page space, but Latinos, Asians (especially darker-skinned south asians), y mas, rarely get page space either.

Hmmm. No. I rarely read Jez anymore because of my hatred for the comment system. This, maybe even worse. ha! Is that possible? Hmm. But yes, Jez is NOT a magazine. We do not read double columns on a webpage. Makes it too difficult to read. Please, for the love of Chuck, return to the old ways! :(

WORDD! I agree with all of that.

until she wrote an apology letter to, I don't know, God, for mentioning the place where His best frenemy lives.

[but] I've met plenty of guys with Peter Pan syndrome, where they don't want to grow up.

Yes. I am an eeeeevil troll here to prey upon you and your sensitivities. Mwahahaha.

*nods* True. I forgot about the tanning.

Yeah, very obvious how the muscles and ribs are smoothed out. No lie, the untouched images are gross — that girl is too skinny if her ribs are poking out like that. The photoshop really gives us an unhealthy idea of what women should look like — extremely skinny yet still smooth and pretty; when in reality to be that

Except for the fact that it is a proven fact the 'founder' of Scientology was a science fiction writer who actively attempted to take money from people in an organization that he even agreed wasn't religious.

Yeah...this article hurt both my eyes and brain. Cool topic but there are some grammar issues and the words are arranged in a discombobulating format.

Us folks in Ohio don't like long words :)

Completely unrelated, but I love your user name. I think that you deserve cake and honey.

The funny thing is, as an Ohian-Michigander, I can tell you that we do not claim Kansas as the Midwest. lol we (collecively speaking) actually have no idea what is past Indiana/Illinois. (well, except the West coast Oregon-Washington-Cali states).

Women need spousal consent...? What the...No, just no. Sometimes I just want to punch people, like that girl in the recent article who punched the 'rape-jokey' guy on the street.

Mermaids aren't real? Ummm thank god cuz everyone knows mermaids are crazy ass demons of the sea that lure people to their deaths on big giant rocks....

You know what would make Gandalf more interesting? If he actually did magic once in a while. That dude is all talk, no action.

Kimbo or whatever you call it, is totally GAWKard....