FATE! Indeed! :)
FATE! Indeed! :)
You are kiiiiiding me with that list, yeah?
AHHHHHHHH What school do you go to??? I want to go to events like that!! :)
Yayyyy. So agreed on that picture. In fact, I think that is one of Tony's best!
Ah! I didn't see your Han Solo before I posted mine. But yes, so agreed that he shot first! :)
Fantasy guys are all good with me! Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Val Kilmer in Willow, Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin in The Princess Bride, Legolas and Aragorn in LOTR...spec fic has a wealth of lovely guys, whether sci-fi or fantasy. :)
OH :( Poor Alex.
Its a slippery slope.
Everyone pretty much answered yes, but what's the worst that will happen if you don't bring a gift? Obvi that depends on your family structure...
Whoa! Be safe!
Oh yes, definitely exciting!! I can't wait to start someplace new. I'm going to a Big 10 school; for undergrad I went to a medium-sized school, so I can't wait to be in a bigger place with (I assume) more exciting opportunities.
Yay Greek mythology mention!
Yup. Moving cities and states. Heading off to graduate school so there is the stress of figuring out what I need to know to get settled in, plus I will be dealing with caretaker issues once I get there, so I need to find good doctors and stuff. *ayyy*
I'm moving in 3 weeks...and its starting to hit me.