
Happy Birthday!!!

I don't check GT very often, so yes, I don't think people use it as often. I agree with you though - OT is my favorite Jez time.

I see your posts about NZ and I am so envious! :) I am starting grad school this fall and definitely want to study abroad/intern abroad next summer. I know one school in Ohio (BGSU) does a study abroad in NZ but apparently this is their last summer, and I'm not sure where else to go. Are you on a trip through your

Hola everyone!

I'm with you on the useless human thing.

I always hated the softball v. baseball difference. In my opinion, baseball is much easier. Softball pitching is hard and overhand pitching is sooo much easier. Plus, the balls are smaller and heavier= farther hits and farther throws. Thus, when people I know are all "oh baseball is better blah blah blah much more

Lana del Ray...*shrugs* When I first listened to her 2 well-known songs on YouTube I fell in love with them - and still love them.

This is great! I was so disappointed by Deadpool in the Wolverine movie (mouth stitched up? Whyyyyy?) and this makes me feel quite a bit better :)

...We all get angry when we are not being represented in the the media avenues that we watch, so I understand how this article can be upsetting to you. However, I hope that your comment was reactionary and maybe after some thought you wouldn't be so angry, because I do think you're being unfair.


Oh! *whew* I feel better now!

heehee :) Mmmmkaaaay, if you insist... :)

I laughed and then realized how scared the kid actually was, and then I got PISSED OFF. What the hell kind of parent does that? A young child being scared like that? What fucking assholes.

Wow. So I realized I have a bit of an addiction to Jezebel and just out of curiosity went back and counted my comments (20 per page x pages) and I realized that in the 8 months since I've been on this site I have posted over 800 comments.

Oh. That is lovely. I adore it.

Um...hi...are we twins? lol.

WOW. That is fucking creepy! Fuck that dude for trying to come over to your house alone and fuck the aunt for enabling.

I used to love the Soup back when Hal was on. Ahh, Hal :) Have to say, I haven't really watched it too much with Joel.

Is anyone a fan of Artemisia Gentileschi? I read a novelized biography of her when I was young and fell in love with her. A strong female artist in a man's world, following in the style of Caravaggio, she suffered a terrible rape, was tried by the men in her home town, but went on to become an astonishing figure in

Duuuude I am telling you, that cafe discount is no joke! MMM My museum has amazing food. I work nearby so sometimes I even go for lunch :)