Wow, never thought that would happen. Never thought I would agree with Simon van Kempen.
Wow, never thought that would happen. Never thought I would agree with Simon van Kempen.
I agree on all points. Pitiful showing.
OH my god, really?! I think I like football now...weird.
My thoughts exactly.
Once these hit the sale rack (because no one in their right mine would buy attractive socks for $30 let alone these suckers), I will buy the shit out of these and rock them like a hurricane.
I gotta agree with this. Sorry if that makes me a judgmental, non-feminist bitch. :/
Yeah, as a fellow person who moved back home as an adult, I feel you. BUT Jenelle is just the fucking worst. She makes the situation as bad as it is and I just want to yell at her, You have a child! It's time to stop acting like a child!!!
Thank you! At the risk of sounding ridiculous, that was awesome. Seriously, she's so lovely I can't handle it.
I just have to say, this Dirt Bag is phenomenal. Bravo, Lindy. I needed this after reading the racist tweets article. (I was shacked.)
I thought the same thing! This looks like the tattoo my Stupid McStoopidface brother got by some asshole in a basement in New Brunswick, NJ. Why do celebrities do this?
What is this from!? I want to know what she's talking about and watch this over and over!
Holy fucking shit you guys. I am so upset by this. Why am I still surprised that the world is so full of terrible people?
This is the day we need bacon the most my friend.
I was about to answer with the exact same thing. If we can't bond over a pile of delicious, delicious bacon, we have nothing.
That is decidedly awesome!
Hell to the yeah, Tammy Baldwin!!!
Thank you, I was confuzzled.
Another is Rush Limbaugh's penis.
PREACH! Same thing with the "war on Christmas". Until someone physically stops you from praying and worshipping, just quit it.
You guys, I once stayed up until 3am drunkenly watching a Tyler Perry movie because....Idris Elba. That's all I can say, I would watch that man butter toast. Please let this rumor be true this time!!