When are they gonna ban The Witcher then?
When are they gonna ban The Witcher then?
Remember when Valve used to make games? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Where was it suggested that this review of Deadpool would be objective?
When Deadpool 1 came out I feel like everything I read painted it as this clever, metatextual look at superhero action movies, with knowing winks and nods (both subtle and, as per the character himself, brash and actively breaking the fourth wall), while also pulling out the stops for the hard-R. I expected something…
I’m guessing Communications major.
Fox News, duh.
Becky here is wrong: If a student of a darker color spectrum (you know the one) pulled this stunt, it would likely be met with open hostility, if not an armed, militarized response from authorities.
Currently, black people can’t: go shopping; buy a hamburger; walk with their own children in a park; go shopping; meet for coffee; go shopping; fall asleep; get lost or, again, go shopping...and this stupid bitch is complaining that people commented—mind you, COMMENTED—on her carrying an assault weapon on campus. WTF…
You can cut yourself on the edge from her tweet. This has nothing to do with racism or gun rights, it’s a moron trying to make herself look tough and edgy by walking around with an assault weapon and saying “Try and stop me.”.
“Come and take it.”
From my experiences in education, I will tell you that the “Women in X” problem will never be solved unless you stop trying to treat groups as homogeneous monoliths.
That is so, so stupid.
What Stops Women From Going Pro In Esports
“What Stops Women From Going Pro In Esports”
I’ve done a few freelance gigs as a moderator for fighting game tournament Twitch streams, and just the fact that every time a woman competes, I have to spend several minutes banning anyone who says”trap”, WHICH IS EVERYONE, makes me think we’re still a LONG way off from being an area welcome to female gamers.
This ISNT News. Its literally articles designed to propogate hatred. Reverse racism doesnt exist, however this is still a singular point of view of one race vs another. There for black on white racism. The fact that they broke the rules is irrelevant to the fact that a white woman called the cops on black people. And…
“The fun thing is that I’m not racist” Famous last words. But really though, it’s not up for someone to decide for themselves if they are racist or not. Doesn’t work that way. Racism is a complex system that can involve just as many well-meaning things, as it does hateful ones.
But more importantly, if you actually…
The problem is, as even Oakland Police have said, that the woman used the Emergency Line to call the police for a non-Emergency. That wastes the time of first respondents and put lives at risk.
Where in the sweet fuck are these people when it comes to adapting media that isn’t European or even Western, or writing media about places that don’t fit that umbrella?