
This whole thing is the problem I have with teaching girls to, “Act like a lady.” This poor girl. You can tell she has been conditioned her whole life to be polite, quiet, timid, so she didn’t even feel she could speak up while being violated. This is horrible.

My brother has gone missing for days at a time and I do the same: Look for him locally and if I have exhausted all my options, I go to social media. At that point, I don’t give a shit about his privacy. He is mentally ill, an addict, and suicidal. Authorities need to know he is off his meds.

My brother has gone off his meds and run off and that is the first thing we tell authorities when we need to report him missing. It’s important information. And since no one else here has told you, I will tell you:

Omg thank you for posting. I no longer feel alone in my dislike of Ed Sheeran. Thank you, Jezebel Goddesses. You are the true heroes.

Definitely. I used to work for a jeweler and people would be shell-shocked at how little they would get for their engagement rings. But if it was name-brand, like Cartier or Tiffany, AND you had the paperwork/box/certification, you would get more money.

I, unfortunately, have done this once. Lucky for both of us, we were in the shower, and I took his dick out in time for me to throw up in the tub. #ModernRomance

My grandma is the best. We go out for margaritas all the time, she DDs for me, and we did a family karaoke night in June. I would totally invite her out for a night of debauchery!

Thank you for this! I know he is on anti-depressants, I don’t know which ones though. I will ask him to talk to the pharmacist/his doctor about it.

Didn’t know that! My brother has an opiate addiction and is a chronic shoplifter. This explains it!


I went to the movies last night and this man couldn’t keep his teenage brood under control, so I told them to be quiet. He got out of his seat and stood in front of me and my family for five whole minutes, then followed us out to the parking lot. I was so terrified he was going to shoot at us or stab us or something.

Ok, I read Tina Fey’s “BossyPants,” and had a few problems with it. But what was the problem with Amy Poehler’s book? I have it, just haven’t read it yet.

It definitely is. I am planning a trip with Lumpy Space Prince for our 5th anniversary right now. His idea! My grandma still loves to go with my grandpa and aunt, too bad we live so far away (Chicago)

I’m not a travel agent, but I am a big Disney person and I plan the trips for my family! If you need help, please let me know! I know it’s a lot to absorb

This is tough because I am a WDW person but I would like to see the parks in other parts of the world, especially Tokyo DisneySea. But I will answer these questions with WDW responses.

I would go to Magic Kingdom at WDW and stay at the Polynesian Resort. I see everything there is to see, literally everything, and I

Also, she is covered in tattoos IRL. This explains a lot.

As a Disney fan, more specifically a little Mermaid fan, this delights me to no end.

I laughed when I read the headline because my grandma didel thus when she was a child as well. She blew it up and walked through her parents’ restaurant parading it around and showing everyone. The whole restaurant burst out laughing at her.

I have an update on this couple. We bought them a nice food processor (Kitchen Aid) as their housewarming gift, and they gave us a Sonic Screwdriver bottle opener.... Fuck your honeymoon, you’re getting shot glasses.

It is far more grand than the U.S. parks, so I've heard. Don't knock til you've tried it I suppose.