I just don't find a lot of dudebro humor funny. Like, it's kind of pandering to a certain audience at this point and I am just not a fan. The trailer even looks pretty bad.
I just don't find a lot of dudebro humor funny. Like, it's kind of pandering to a certain audience at this point and I am just not a fan. The trailer even looks pretty bad.
I agree. I don't find Ron Burgundy a funny character at all and Anchorman 2 looks stupid.
My boyfriend's brother tried to pull that shit with me when I said I wanted to see a Wonder Woman movie and I just couldn't even deal with his shit. The two highest grossing films of 2012 were "The Hunger Games" and "Brave." Both are films with a female protagonist. I can't even with this garbage!
Thanks, I made them using Wilton Candy Melts and a squeeze bottle. Piped them onto wax paper, let them cool, and just *carefully* put them on the cupcakes.
Yes, please! Always room for more friends!
Thank you! :D
I made these turkey cupcakes for some of my friends today. Happy Thanksgiving, Jezzies!
Serious question: Is it acceptable to bring snacks (i.e. cookies or baked goods) to retail stores that are open on Thanksgiving? I really hate that there are employees that have to work on that day and I would like to bring them treats so they feel like they are getting something out of it. Does anyone know if this is…
Wow. Such judgment. <insight intensifies>
I'm sending him all my medical bills since he decided to prematurely drop me from his insurance, as well as my $26,000 bill from when I was kicked out of school four years ago for unpaid tuition. Thanks, jackass!
These people are goddamn idiots. "She's a lesbian because she is wearing a leather jacket." Wow, fucking stupid. I own two leather jackets, I must be the biggest lesbian in the world! Spoiler alert: I am not.
These people are goddamn idiots. "She's a lesbian because she is wearing a leather jacket." Wow, fucking stupid. I own two leather jackets, I must be the biggest lesbian in the world! Spoiler alert: I am not.
So, does them reading Manga/Anime make it any less of a problem? I hope that doesn't come off as rude, I really just don't understand. Like I said, all of these people were white, would bow to each other, wear hair sticks and sometimes speak in Japanese to each other. I guess it really seems more of an appreciation…
I just kind of posed the same question on Twitter... I knew several people in high school, boys and girls, who were not Asian, but dressed in kimonos and went to Otaku club and spoke Japanese to each other. Is that racist? Everyone kind of thought they were weird, but no one ever flat-out called them racists. I really…
I just kind of posed the same question on Twitter... I knew several people in high school, boys and girls, who were not Asian, but dressed in kimonos and went to Otaku club and spoke Japanese to each other. Is that racist? Everyone kind of thought they were weird, but no one ever flat-out called them racists. I really…
"I'd like five copies of this DVD. No! 20. No! 60. No, that's crazy. Make it 20."
Not your fault! No one needs to apologize to anyone for how their body looks! I just get so angry when people are nasty to others about how their body looks, because sometimes, there's nothing you can do about it. I've gone on all sorts of crazy diets and they did absolutely nothing for me, and that's just how my body…
DAT THREESOME! I thought we would see more because I am a pervert. Yeah, someone on FB was like "OMG SO SAD" and I was like "Uh, she murdered slaves and babies, she is a terrible person and I don't feel bad for her."
Wow. Such insightful. Much knowledge. Many brains.
Wow, did you physically examine these women? You must have for you to be able to make such a statement.