These men can FUCK OFF!
These men can FUCK OFF!
There is a lengthy Q&A in the New York Times with the cast of Arrested Development ahead of the show’s fifth season…
HARD disagree.
I am SURE someone has written an exhaustive hyper detailed breakdown of her gown down to which trees the silkworms that made the silk ate, but a quick look at the gown shows a likely un-stretchy duchesse type silk satin (no stretch), a portrait neckline, and with a sleeve length that is AFAIK dictated by…
I used the Student Health Center an awful lot when I was a grad student at USC. Good thing I’m a dude; if I needed a prostate examination I could’ve just asked one of the bums under the 110 Freeway overpass a bit east of campus.
One of the things Keith Raniere repeatedly claimed was that he was in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the highest IQ or some shit like that. He constantly bragged about how he was one of the smartest people alive. It would be funny if it weren’t pathetic and sad.
As a student of the Classics I was just about to post something but you beat me to it. It really cracked me up.
Did you tell them you were already in a sex cult , an a cappella group.
No mugshot? I’m really curious what years running a cult does to someone. Asking for a friend
Don’t offer a woman assistance because we’re the weaker sex in need of help, thinking it’s the chivalrous thing to do. Offer assistance because is the human thing to do.
this is by far the most surreal headline i’ve seen this week. and that’s saying something.
Oh Chloe.... nooooo....
It’s revealing that such self-reflection never results in the conclusion that men who have spent careers harassing and bullying should not return to those careers.
It seems entirely possible that the NYT was biased against Clinton and that Clinton’s aides were sexist assholes to female reporters from the NYT. I’m not sure what the tapes are supposed to show unless he recorded every single interaction he had with Chozick.
She must really, really hate her father to be such an ardent Trump supporter after everything he’s said and done to disparage John McCain.
I for one can’t wait for something, ANYTHING, to happen. my liver and kidneys can’t take any more abuse.
Um, how is he a hero when he drugged and raped young black women?! Because what you’re doing is prioritising the unearned reputation of a black man over the lives of black women.
Obra Kernodle.....IV
My initial bracket was chalky but then i went back and really looked at the analytics.
God damn I wish people would let this asshole address an empty room...