Maybe Sophie will do the interesting thing and just “be engaged” for years and years. Or something. Like my Mama told me, you can get married when you can’t do anything else.
Maybe Sophie will do the interesting thing and just “be engaged” for years and years. Or something. Like my Mama told me, you can get married when you can’t do anything else.
I guess she was asking for it.
EMPTY SEATS?? And I’d pay to see him anywhere within 300 miles. *sigh*
This is what I’ve done, also. I’m still unhealthily obsessed with Bryan Fuller’s TV output, mostly Hannibal and American Gods at this time, and I have no patience for sports and reality TV or shows that I might have to “grow into.” I have all 3 seasons of Hannibal on endless rewatch via my Plex, and an occasional…
Everything in that store was a total loss and insurance was gonna cover it whether it rotted on the shelves or ended up in some poor hungry flooded out person’s stomach.
Oh that poor boy’s future! *wails* He has such potential! *beats breast* He got in with a bad crowd *big puppy dog eyes* He didn’t mean it! *sniffles* Honest... he ran out of gas. He had a flat tire. Hedidn’t have enough money for cab fare. His tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out…
Stirring up shit is his raison d’etre. That’s all he’s got.
I’ve been trying to ascertain if any theaters in my city are involved in this, and the site is awful. It doesn’t load. You have to register. There are no links in the FAQ. I would have to really really want this to go thru all of this crap just to get information.
So, now I can be very specific when the genie shows up. Very, very visible, horrible, deadly diseases as a result of their immoral lifestyles. And boils. Yeah. Boils.
I don’t know how she was even aware of the first article or the retraction or even the apology. She doesn’t read anything. She must have a someone who reads these things *to* her, like kings of old used to have tasters.
I don’t know if they’d survive it. *visions of Mussolini*
I’m sure if we look long enough and hard enough....
I spent too much time looking for a pic of him from, like, 1988-92 or so. He doesn’t look like I remember him looking back when he was calling my poor fundie Mama three times a day, asking for a sacrificial “gift.” I’m gonna call it—fat farm, plastic surgery and maybe new hair. Of some sort.
I’d trade all of my Xanax for a bag of good weed. ALL OF IT.
I’ve been on the Cheetos-wine-and-Xanax diet since November 9, 2016. Interestingly, I’ve lost 5 lb. Who knew!!
My first and only response to the news has been “And so? What’s your point?”
And it’s got *legs*.
I’ve just about reached critical mass, reading the pileup of impeachable offenses day by day. All I can conclude at this point is that the GOP not going to impeach him until they can pass every possible point of their murderous agenda, and the Democrats aren’t going to stand as one to cry “Impeach!” until they’ve…
Hannibal has been my obsession since its debut in 2013. Most showrunners/art directors can only *dream* of the brilliance of that show.