
I am so smitten with Kate McKinnon

And. How.

I don't think this woman is heartless or soulless. I think she has an addiction and possibly some mental problems. I don't doubt that she loves her daughter. She's just a shitty parent. I don't think I'm getting up on a high horse by saying this. She doesn't meet the bare minimum standards of acceptable parenting

It's a very, very hard situation. I have seen many parents who were heroin users who were quite bonded with their children and at times excellent parents. But the nature of such an addiction can make life very unstable and even dangerous for children living surrounded by it. Based upon the way the daughter was

The mom just knows she lost someone who loved her unconditionally. I doubt she has any interest in what is best for the kid, she just cares about losing that emotional support.

I would like to point out that Philadelphians are just as outraged as the rest of the US, if not moreso. I'm really, really glad that her daughter was removed.

To all the people who say someone should have called the police: it probably wouldn't have made a difference.

Yes, the best outcome for this situation is for the mother to be serious about her sobriety.

"I just lost the best thing in the world to me all because I didn't think and did too much dope around my child before we got on a bus!"

The press knows who she is, but they are withholding her name because she has not been charged with a crime. So they can look up her name/info, but they're not giving out her exact name.

I hope the little girl got kinship care. I know a lot about Philly DHS and the lack of safe foster care placements, esp. for kids who were neglected and traumatized (and need extra special care because of all the emotional and behavioral problems) is a major issue. There are some good placements, definitely but it can

I would like to go on record as saying that I have been harping on his one look since SEASON ONE!

Why hasn't Kit Harrington received as much backlash for his one tone expression as Kristen Stewart? Geez.

Everyone in costume...but Jaime.

HAHA sorry I just am so happy that we live in a world in which L.C. cutting off two inches of her hair is newsworthy