
ARGH I meant kitty.
sigh. sorry friendships.
I'd edit if I could.

ThisistheBEST! UGH frig it's almost as good as eating a dulce de leche cookie next to a snoring cookie while staring at your freshly-put-away-laundry.

Absolutely brill.
I love this and I love you Kyosuke!!

I know you were not justifying, just explaining and I believe you're totally right. And same for the male celebrities that do loads of silly ads. It's perhaps they are low on talent and high on drive for money and/or fame. All of it makes me queezy and I just want to sit at Judi Dench's feet and adore her. ps Je

Yes you are totally right LaComtesse. Unless the lady has true talent. That will carry her to the stars. But really? ScarJo picks SodaStream over Oxfam? barf.

I'm so curious as to why she would do this. I wonder what she said in her defense. And I'm so curious as to what got you in front of her! xo

Yeah but this is Burt (Is My Spirit Guide). Funny and smart, one of the best commenters there was. xo

It's really quite beautiful.

Ugh I can't. I'm too grumpy today. It'll just turn in to an angry love letter to all the ladies who didn't choose me. Or. A wish list. Either way, I'm lonely. Have a lovely day, you sweet thing 8-)

Me too! You should write it :)

I love YOU!

I love you! Hocus Pocus is everything!

This. Thank you. I was having a really tough day, today. I saw someone who looked just like my ex and of it made me start wondering if I was ever going to smile again and then this. You. Thank you. Wow.
ps DIBS on the blonde one with the great arms!!

Did you get lost? Deadspin is over there.

Ron Jeremy is hotter.

YOU are fabulous.

You are amazing.

Who even meditates like that? Both ladies are tilting their heads back! That is not conducive for relaxation. ugh.

frig. now I want cheesecake.
too bad I don't live in a Golden Girls episode... thanks a lot Burt.