
OMG I'm watching this exact episode right now! CUTE! ps what about pie with cake on top?

AWESOME!! ps I love your name :) Here is the link for the Blair House (which should REALLY be called J.B. Fletcher's house.) It's super cute but kinda pricey but there are TONS of other places to stay in the area. And don't forget to go north just a bit to see the glass beach :)

I literally cried when they took it off Netflix. I had JUST got home from a trip to Mendocino to visit THE J.B. Fletcher house and I'd been dreaming of watching the episode where they think they've discovered the body of Joshua Peabody but really it was some Civil War reenactor (Season 2, episode 2, "Joshua Peabody

DAMN. I hate when things like this happen...

This is atrocious! I am so sorry for your loss and that experience and to have to live near such mean unempathetic people.

Ah! Thank you! I was so confused about the anger, but you have explained it perfectly. I see why this is a bad idea... xo

I don't understand why people are getting so upset about this. If the particular person they are referring to is someone who fights for correct representation of her own body, then doesn't this make sense? I am confused. And probably will get yelled at. But I'm prepared. Because I really want to understand.

Excellent observation. I am so interested in that piece of history. It seems as though that may have been a turning point for oil politics. A sad and evil turning point... And it being America's first coup, it really set a precedent. So sad. I often wonder what the world would be like if the UK and the US left Iran


I dislike all parties involved, very much.
Have a nice day.

Me too! Pink and purple, you can't go wrong :)

No one asked me but here is what I believe. Mia is a liar and a manipulator and a harpy. WA could have done those awful things to his adopted daughter, it's entirely possible. And he did have an affair and marry his girlfriend's adopted daughter, yes, he's a horrible perverted man who is gross gross gross. I used to

Fuck Judd Apatow. Seriously? This is EXACTLY why I don't watch this show.

Plus, I'm a curvy girl and I don't want to see overly naked people on shows. No matter how hot or not or whatever. If it's not a distinct aspect of the story, I don't want it. But that's why I get to change the channel. Murder, She Wrote, now

This is the note that I got when I just clicked over at 6am on the West Coast:

People don't hate Doug because he's a dude. They dislike the writer because of his atrocious writing skills and his terrible jokes and his CB article and I could honestly go on but I will stop right here. Have a beautiful Sunday!

ugh totally.

Oh my goodness! you!!
Pure hilarity. Thank you for being here.

I just call it creative spelling. You are purrfect.

My god you have a lot of time on your hands...

I think I love you.