
This looks like a class project for a marketing or engineering class... It's CG.

I am a Canon fanboy but I think canon really screwed up on this one. The specs are almost laughable against the Nikon D90 replacement, the D7000. They also removed the AF micro-adjust, have they gone completely insane???

Now playing

Awesome Google voice video describing the feature

@Facebook: yes but there are far less on an embedded system. They also need to be connected to an outside network to get them.

umm... what!? Do they run Windows or something. You would think these systems would run embedded Linux, something is not adding up.

@theimmc: This photo was probably shot at a longer shutter speed then 1/125 sec (X-Sync) so the whole shutter would be open to capture this.

Where is the EXIF data on this picture; a lot can be explained if we know what camera it was shot on. If it was a camera phone then the pixel refresh times makes sense, camera phones do not have shutters.

@WB: haha, awesome, well that explains why 230K screen look so bad. I wonder what genius in marketing decided on counting every RGB pixel.

Holes in floor offer no back support and will be giant PITA to clean.

@WB: I highly doubt it, I have spent some time using the T1i (family members camera) and it is a massive improvement over my canon rebel XS (1000D) 230K screen. There is no way it is just a 81K pixel difference between my camera and the T1i.

@LukeDukem: Oh crap, sorry, I should have put this in a reply so it would not be so long.

Lets enhance that..

This is sparrrttaaa... this reminds me of the 300 Sparta dude

@SewerShark: Yes but they need to give them what astronauts would have, what are they going to give the astronauts for pass time?

@Kcm117: It takes 3-6 min for light to to travel from earth to mars (depending where in the orbit it is) so internet is not going to work too well.

So are astronauts going to mars going to have Nintendo Wiis, rockband, LCD TVs, and all this other stuff. They could have put a little more effort into making this more realistic.

@mconheady: I disagree; it makes a huge difference for picture focus checking, live view focusing, video focusing, and menu selection.

Is the video\audio flash element not showing up for anyone else?