I was going to award this comment Best Comment of 2015, but you’ve talked me out of it.
I was going to award this comment Best Comment of 2015, but you’ve talked me out of it.
Kudos to Valve for being this transparent, yes, but they certainly deserve criticism for taking this long. It would have been simple — and essential — to send a statement to all users on Friday or Saturday (or, at absolute worst, Monday) saying there was an issue and that Valve will be in touch when they have all the…
I’m okay with their explanation but I’m still pretty peeved that it took them five days to say anything concrete about it (and that when it was happening they were completely mum). They can do better.
It could be much worse than you suspect. He may have about 500 pages worth of sumptuous banquets, elaborate silken brocades, repeated character tics, travel scenes, and florid equivocation, all sprouting adjectives like one of those mushroom farms that comes in a box, without even a single plot point worth mentioning.…
If it helps, it will also make you laugh a bunch probably. In addition to making me all weepy, Undertale made me laugh more than any other game this year. Just really good writing all around.
Kind of goes without saying, but you should play it anyway :D
I love Valve, but, they have the worst customer service I’ve ever encountered. Their communication skills are beyond abysmal. I don’t even really understand why people, myself included, continue to just overlook these things. At best, we shrug and say, “That’s just Valve,” and move on, ensuring that they never…
This game single handedly made me remember why I love RPGs (if this falls under that category). The recent mainstream of RPGs of this generation, I feel, lost the ability to story tell on epic levels. They’re kind of boring and don’t keep you coming back to play and aren’t very memorable. I would throw this in my top…
No joke: this made me emotional and I’ve played through the game already, a few times (and had a BAD time). Thanks for further proof that this deserves my pick for GotY.
By now, you’ve probably heard of a little game called Undertale. You may also have heard that it’s good. Good news:…
I stopped reading when he said Metal Gear Solid 2 was garbage. Wow, I mean really.
Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games
Looks like ass, in this image. His skin is on his face and the ragdoll effect hasn’t backfired causing his teammate to fly into the stratosphere. Way to not stick to the source material, Hollywood.
Around the Neighborhood. Chiba, Japan. By Luca Eandi.
Sigh.. when are the butthurt fans going to let go? Get over it. And guess what, old Dante was also an outdated stereotype, hardly could be called a character, and if you think he was “cool” and “stylish” you have the same standard a 12 year old has. This new dante isn’t any better.