F.X. Nine

I came to demand 3 word titled headlines and am not disappointed.

As long as he doesn’t fly himself there, he should be fine.

The “extremism is bad no matter what” stance gained a lot of prevalence in the 90s. It’s now old hat and has very little to say. Asking someone to speak to others with preferred pronouns is not the same as taking away healthcare.

At the very least, giving Harbour a Worst Actor nom is bullshit, seeing how he *easily* was the best part of it.

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There’s a reason Capt Placeholder has his own song...

Was Willow good?

Why yes it was.

I’ve long hated this show as it is exploitative as fuck. While I strongly disagree with the notions that sustainable weight loss is not possible (I myself am proof it is) The Biggest Loser teaches literally all the wrong lessons on how to do it. So instead of getting into the more controversial social topics I am just

My wife’s first standup set her obgyn heckled her. She was shot down and my wife has a new doc now. That is the only proper response.

That said, I can’t blame him in general for telling a heckler to STFU. 

I was gonna say it looks like a cut-scene from a PS2 game.

So all that’s left is for some watery bint to lob a scimitar at him, and the prophecy will be complete.

I’ll be that geek who points out that The Sword in the Stone is not Excalibur. Arthur breaks the sword he pulled out of the stone in a battle, and later the “Lady of the Lake” gives him Excalibur.

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Picard’s speech about adherence to the truth reminds me of Rep. Schiff’s speech regarding Right and Truth at the impeachment hearing. <transcript below video>

Turns out we were in the Mirror Universe all along.


Patrick Stewart is a huge advocate of pit bulls and has fostered them in the past and finally adopted one of his fosters.  He insisted that the it be a pit bull in the show.

Patrick Stewart fosters pitbulls and has been an advocate for a long time so he probably insisted on it