Most interesting post I’ve read in a while! I’m American, and I totally assumed my own experience was mostly universal, even in today’s age of readily available info. Thanks for giving me some stuff to look up and better understand in the future.
Most interesting post I’ve read in a while! I’m American, and I totally assumed my own experience was mostly universal, even in today’s age of readily available info. Thanks for giving me some stuff to look up and better understand in the future.
We’re talking about a beloved hit show from the 90s. The original creators are attached. Fuck yes, make it new and make it good. Godspeed!
I mean, we ARE going to clone it, right? Right guys?
Will the film explain how he finances his ‘Vette?
Beat me to it. Old man literally yells at “the Cloud”.
I’ll trade you a star for that pop culture tidbit.
Good call on the percocet. All of my leftover painkillers typically get saved for this purpose.
We need to form an expert committee of Ash Williams, Aunt Selma, and the kid from the Foxtrot strip.
I love how there’s so many great Wrinkle in Time covers over the years like the one pictured above. A bunch of the same artists also did Prydain (Black Cauldron) books as well.
I’m in the minority of loving Cibola Burn, but it’s mainly because the series always has me thirsty for clues about the ancient alien stuff. When they do that material, I hope that’s what they focus on.
There should have at least been some blue floaty particles in the shape of a hat to end season 2.
X-Files clip really nails what my own chronic sleep paralysis feels like. Asleep, but seemingly awake, it takes a while to shift your body out of it and onto the floor. Now that you’re awake, feel free to examine some weird ass shit going on, like a creepy snow globe in an otherwise normal and believable environment.…
Really? Wow. The diorama reminds me a lot of one of the Video City locations in Anchorage. Or the old Briley’s on Jewel Lake Road where I rented all my NES games growing up.
Also, it takes two seconds for Mulder to distrust Skinner? Again?! He’s your friend Walter ya dingus.
I may not always agree with everything Penn says, but he’ll always have my attention.
Roaring Tyler comes with the tech billionaire bird from the new Ducktales!
Fuck him right in the nose.
I’m with you in that I’d like more, but keep in mind that group projects like this are for the students’ benefit mostly. Every detail of every shot is discussed and digested by the entire class for maximum learning punch. With the same budget, a smaller professional group could have given us more footage, but it would…
I would totally watch a show where baked scientists and guests marvel at science for an hour