F.X. Nine

Why try to grip the fence? I would think it would be more fun to face the opposite direction and do an assisted leap into the sand at the first sign of thrust.

(w)retched... I see what you did there ;)

The Super Soaker 50 and 100 are goddamned classics. I had a 200 when I was a kid, and it snapped under the weight of its own dual tanks (which sucked, I had saved up for it). Not a good design.

The same parents who won’t vaccinate their kids will line up for this. Because knowlejj.

We can all agree that there’s an unreasonably thick Edward Rutherfurd novel implied here...

Regardless, I found it very interesting, and I thank you for sharing.

Very cool piece Maddie; inspires me to do my own reading. Your articles always stand out :)

Your flight go ok tho? I mean, are you ok? We all worry terribly. Certainly none of us have experienced anything this profane.

Puh-resshuh! Pressin’ down on you, pressin’ down on me...

Back to the Future enthusiasts across the hall reportedly disappeared slowly.

...fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin world go rooouuuund!

Wasn’t Yahweh part of a pantheon at one time? I read that this is the origin of “no other gods before me” and such. (I’ll see if I can find it, I have several books on this stuff)

Alaska, being such a northern outlier to the rest of the nation, is in a uniquely strategic location. Fort Richardson AFB is not far from Anchorage (my hometown and where my family still lives).

3000+ species and Valerian both covered in the title, but in the comics (called Valerian AND Laureline), the two main characters were partners on pretty equal footing. Is there gonna be way less of her character in the movie or something? Its kinda like calling The X-Files “Mulder”.

Damn, star is for every item on list. Well compiled.

Did they include Data’s “Pen Pals” friend twice? I see her down in front on the top poster, but isn’t that her true buggish form in front of the romulan a few rows back?

I knoweth not whom this man be, but methinks he’s gonna bangeth thy lady at Bumbershoot.

Wow, the stories seem cool, but the look is really crappy. HomeStarWarsRunner.

Well this is just despicable human-washing. Vulcan roles should go to Vulcans.