F.X. Nine

I really hope they explore the possibility of an evil idiot politician just ruining secrecy of the conspiracy with tweets or something. I’d really like to see such a character meet a very X-Files end.

I wish you the strength to heal and the courage to love again.

Right?! WTF is this “it makes you see things” shit? There’s an expandable story already built in— they escape the department store at some point and go from there trying to survive in the invaded world. Maybe they learn more about the whole mess in following seasons. There is already so much to work with.

Halfway down my wish list is a Dave Bautista Conan film.

I don’t do a ton of word processing, and my really old copy of Office still works on my Mac for some reason, even after many OS updates. I don’t give it much thought, really. I also use Bean, which works fine as well and is free.

I love that you both have exactly 40 stars right now. Makes the exchange of kind sentiments even more uplifting <3

Why is the video unavailable?! It’s obviously fair use!!

Maybe not if MOJO has an avatar. Like SK does with Lenny. They could totally get away with a sinister game show host character, then show Mojo’s bloated crab body wired into some kind of throne as a cool reveal near the end of the season? I personally think this would make a better third season after more is

Thinking it’s okay to choose what movie is worth others’ time is always an option, but you’ll have to sit in the same row as those who talk loudly, play on their phone, and huff their crying baby’s farts during the feature.


Now playing

If you look at all of the existing imagery and concept art regarding the Klingon in Discovery, a pretty plausible theory emerges:

I’m so beat from work that I kept mistaking the mobile page break ads for the ad in question.

What’s CSM kid gonna do, blow bubbles?

Grunk want know if you played text game called LOST PIG. It good. You play game, get joke Grunk making.

Hey James M., re:Valiant,

First thing that came to mind

Planetary status makes a place more important? The forest moon of Endor logs to differ.

I agree. Unprecedented stuff that actually matters can go fuck itself.

For years now, I’ve had this really specific wish that they would make a Ghostbusters TV show in the style of the Office/Parks and Rec. It would have a strong influence from BS ghost hunting shows, and the camera guy himself could be a character (like the rookie guy from the game, but here he’s their documentarian—

Thanks for taking the time. The “free speech” and “speech free from responsibility” distinction is something I always appreciate seeing laid out in terms that even the densest and most misinformed of people can’t deny. I’m soooooo weary of those who believe that free speech means the ability to be an asshole and