F.X. Nine

As a professional comic book creator, I find the idea that cosplayers be given the same guest status as creators of actual comics and other media a little ridiculous and weirdly entitled. Want to exhibit, great. Pay for your table like everyone else who sells fan prints, keychains, and other unofficial products.

, I’m full Android now, but come on— the stuff that works best doesn’t come with the phone, you gotta go find it. Which is SUPER easy, but a step too far for apple-ites. It’s so easy. Just try it, Dad! Fuuuuuuuuck....

Ok that’s funny :)

Ugh, for all I know, we are a minority with defective hardware, but still— I feel you on this :(

Best part about this first panel is where Prince notes that the two gangs are about to bang.

I’m awful at Dark Souls games, so I don’t play them often, but I’m going to play the crap out of this. The battle system looks fantastic.

Very true, but I think the real issue here is that devs agree to work standard, reasonable hours for their salary, regardless of what that salary might be (which might include a smaller, more tolerable crunch on occasion, it’s inevitable in a creative field). The amount of the salary isn’t relevant next to the fact

It doesn’t matter what the dollar amount of the salary is— what matters is that devs agree to work normal hours for that salary, not 80 hour weeks that cut the value of their pay in half.

Alex deserves to be drummed out of gaming way more than other people who have recently been drummed out of gaming. He just made himself a symbol for a major flaw in this and other creative industries.

Too right. It was my first job out of school, so I knew better for the next time (actually this was the only job that ever tried to pull that crap, so I got lucky from then on).

This. I freelance now, but before that time I worked for a design company that made this common practice. The gifts were nice too, and were certainly distracting. After a particularly grueling 3-month period of bad/non-existent management wherein our small design team regularly worked 12-hour days and more than a few

Wow. What a waste of time.

Will do Evan, cheers!

I’m one of Steve’s studio mates. Posing for reference for this book is always really funny. Steve: “ok, now turn more toward me and pretend to fuck this shoe.”

Yeah blah blah not why we fired her.....not cool Nintendo.

I used to torrent the GOG games, but it got to a point where it really was worth it to just pay the five bucks for a game and get it quickly and legally. Their ‘honor system’ and great prices kinda make me take a little pride in paying for the games. that’s just me, and I don’t judge others for file-sharing.

I’m looking forward to this so much. If it’s good and does well, not only will we have a cool new Ghostbusters movie, we’ll get all kinds of other cool stuff. Sequels, a new animated show, the works.

I honestly don’t know which I like less, this show or its objectors (probably the latter, but not by much).

I must be the only one who enjoyed the finale (the cliffhanger BS not so much). I agree ALL of the Carter eps are pretty flawed, but I’m looking forward to the next mini-season.

Restart the clock!