
@pescando: Do you know what the name of that track is?

Man that propeller buzzing is disconcerting.

@stavosws6: I saw Jurassic Park the other day and was a bit disturbed at that quote. All scientific advancement is based on reading what others have done and taking the next step. I thought a Mathematician like "Dr. Malcolm" should know better.

@Rusty: I snortled.

Am I the only one who read "Radio Shack Is Selling the iPhone 4 for $50" and totally ignored the "Off" part?

I wonder what they searched for to get so many images of just dresses without mannequins or models..

That was a pretty serious soldering iron she showed off at the end!

@jpaugh: Nah, it seems like the difficulty of the levels aren't in any particular order. In other words, sometimes you can have a pretty difficult level followed by a couple easier ones.. Plus sometimes you learn strategies on earlier levels that you can apply to later levels..

@jpaugh: I'd never advocate cheating, but you can search for the level on youtube and see a video of how to beat it..

@slowurroll: I have not ruled it out. I just state that many of their techniques should be implemented with care. In many cases people are additionally screened just for associating with muslims. Here in the USA this would not be acceptable.

@Joseph Mikhail: There has been talk of "Israelification". It is a dangerous subject because a lot of it is based on profiling (having brown skin myself, I know how dangerous careless implementation of their techniques could turn out). However there are well thought out measures put in place that include multiple

@splash8204: Some of us have family and/or business abroad. Air travel is the only option, and therefore I will have to subject myself to the pat-down however I will protest it, and involve supervisors and have as many people as possible see and hear my protests.

@OCEntertainment: You are right, she does have the right to state her mind. It was a poor selection of words on my part.

Rosa, it's nice that you have a big soapbox to vent your frustrations.

@upwindsquid: I'm not sure how ad-supported revenue works exactly. But I would imagine in the long run it pays back more than selling the app. I figure a one time fee of $0.99 cannot compare to a smaller but continuos ad revenue.

Uh oh, you home-modded a laptop and now you want a bring it on a plane? Good luck getting past the TSA!


@beenyweenies: Actually it turns out hiding your network's ssid doesn't really make it safer at all, and possibly makes it less secure.. Reason being, anyone who has the capability of hacking into a wifi network is not going to be deterred by a hidden ssid. However if your phone or notebook are setup to connect to a