Luis Socorro

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

We’re too full from drinking maple syrup and eating poutine to bother with the moose!

Dammit, I missed the k in the 60k initially and got all excited.

Best Fitness Tracker + Leather Wrist Band = Absurd Juxtaposition

Oh heck! it’s not that bad! they’ll find it when the snowblowers pick up the snow a week later! Why yes! I live in Montreal too, why do you ask? ;)

3, 41. same thing.

Hipster 2.0 lol. It makes me laugh and cry all at the same time.

Thats Teatro Teresa Carreño complex here in Caracas ;) <3

That's weird. I thought President Underwood was tackling this head-on.

The primary reason a lot of videographers are going to 4K is not to watch on a 4K monitor (as you pointed out very few have one)..But because during the post edit process you can zoom, stretch, pan, crop the video with out hardly any degradation in quality or resolution since the final product will be down-converted

I'm sure ISIS is trembling at the thought of this temporary restriction.

We just can't have nice things.

It's Gizmodo. What did you expect?

So he really didn't save it, he just financed to restore a small part of it to look "functional". Poorly titled article.

Thank you for writing this story in a less click-baity way than whoever posted it on the front page of Gawker earlier. This write up gives the First Officer proper credit for saving the day while passing along the story that Gongol assisted her in small, but important, ways.

I do it because I love you all.

People have been saying that they should be given away, possibly to the homeless, and that sounds like a great idea at first. Unfortunately those with no money wouldn't be able to pay bills, and this leads into all sorts of problems.

The only 'fairytale' option here would be to sell these houses to first time buyers