It would be a principled stand. A president who lost the popular vote, has a low approval rating and no mandate should not get to put a justice on the court for the next 20-30 years.
It would be a principled stand. A president who lost the popular vote, has a low approval rating and no mandate should not get to put a justice on the court for the next 20-30 years.
I have no doubt that democrats will filibuster, but at the same time, I assume that republicans will just get rid of the filibuster for all judicial appointments including the supreme court. Or make up whatever rules they want. They are fine with cheating.
Too easy to scapegoat the actual person who led the charge to not hold confirmation hearings? Lol, ok. I believe in putting the blame where it resides. Trump, Senate Republicans and the morons who keep voting for them are going to go down in history as the people who destroyed public health care, eliminated…
High road. Fuck me.
Since it was illegal- why didn’t the Obama administration make him pay for it legally and politically.
You and me both, pal. The ACLU is getting all the money I can afford to send them. I tripled my monthly donation on 11/9 and this week I upped it another $15. (Hell, I pay $15/mo for HBO NOW. I better send the ACLU another 15.)
Also if you voted your mom or a third party. Enjoy the luxury of “making a statement” and “sending a message.” This is your message. I hope you like it because everyone else is going to pay for it for generations—assuming we ever claw our way back from this at all.
It’s Mich McConnell’s fault for illegally refusing to hold confirmation hearings for Merrick Garland.
“Someone threw a water bottle.”
They’d better be. This is an outright attack on the 1st amendment and our right to assemble.
I’d love to see the ACLU jump right in the middle of this.
The ACLU has filed a FOIA as to the tax returns in order to check it against the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution. They are doing amazing work, right now, and sending them a donation is high on my list, today. It’s a selfish thing. Someone out there is protecting my rights.
This is ludicrous.. It’s also financial incentive to arrest more people during a protest, and/or to use more expensive and unnecessary means in response. In addition to, you know, violating constitutional rights and effectively threatening people against protesting.
A similar bill is going up in Indiana and other states.
Anyone who says this isn’t straight up fascism, is a straight up fascist themselves. Our right to peacefully assemble, which means anything short of actually smashing shit up, is guaranteed by our 1st amendment constitutional rights. Don’t think for a second that this law will not be used by a federal agency at some…
My fear is that since they rip off everyone all of this is a ploy by Pence and Ryan to undermine Trump by letting him do whatever he wants, effectively setting himself up for the headshot, then getting all Machiavelli like Frank Underwood and stealing the presidency.
I need the ACLU, Dems and journalists to get this man impeached YESTERDAY. The fact he’s moving so fast to burn our country to the ground shows that he knows he’s got limited time. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING.
Lately I find that I’m angry all the time. To the point that I forget why and I stop and wonder what I’m angry about. And then I remember that president trump is destroying america/our democracy and all of our lives.