Shafted, you want to talk about shafted: Surya Bonaly was the one who got shafted.
Shafted, you want to talk about shafted: Surya Bonaly was the one who got shafted.
Also, Ashley Feinberg pointed this out when he said the exact thing during the campaign: taking the oil would be a war crime. Plus, he clearly has no fucking idea how oil works — it would take over 50 years to pump the oil out, minimum, at max capacity. Saying “keep the oil” makes no damned sense unless he really…
In my book, if you are wildly intellectually incurious, then you are stupid. Trump has no depth — just surface. He’s a good promoter and marketer, and he has some kind of gift for connecting with people, but he is not an erudite man. He has no deep thoughts, no gift for deep analysis or putting things in historical…
Although since he loves pissing on things so much perhaps he thought it would be received as a compliment?
“It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.” give him time it’s just his first week.
Oh, yeah, that’s gotten a few mentions, because it’s so insane — not only because “going back” is a fucktarded thing to say, but also, “taking the oil” is a fundamental violation of international law.
I don’t think that puts you in the minority here. Pretty sure you won’t find many folks here cheering for the deaths of CIA officers.
‘It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.’
Let’s also not forget that context of him calling them Nazi’s no more than 2-3 weeks ago.
The most fucked up part of the speech was this (that I don’t see being reported on):
No, not in the minority at all, that was a huge point in the criticism over that babbling, crazy, fucktard speech.
Uh, no, we kinda wish he hadn’t. Really, Donnie, if you want to go back to running your beautiful, multi-billion-dollar empire, PLEASE, feel free!
It’s almost like he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
It would have been awful no matter where Trump gave the speech. But in front of the Memorial Wall?
He is physically incapable of not going on about his alleged greatness.
And those disgusting shitbuckets supporters of his won’t care one iota.
My brother pointed something out to me: there is nothing negative about Donald Trump that I wouldn’t at LEAST consider to be true.
“It’d be like Trump going to Arlington National Cemetery and bitching about the ratings for his State of the Union.”
Exactly. I said this on Facebook, but imagine the reaction of Fox News if President Obama had done the same thing?
It’s suppose to be a place to honor those who died in the line of duty. Trump basically pissed on a tombstone.