
KellyAnne is terrible, but you can be terrible and still see that coat design is EVEN MORE TERRIBLE. Everything about this coat is a sin. I can’t deal with the fact that she apparently looked at it and went, “USA!” Even though Gucci flat-out said “It’s a reference to London.” And there is no way to make a bright red

Fuck, I’m going to miss him...

It would be much better if he strokes out and is unable to really move or talk enough to sign bills, make speeches, meet with anyone, or get anything done, but is still healthy enough that they cannot transfer power to Pence.

Godspeed, Nazi puncher.

This made me chuckle so hard that I nearly choked on my sandwich. I’d high five the chap but, his nazi punching hand needs to be rested for another day.

The remix (sound on)

If that fails I suggest a Go Fund Me for a good assassin.

You know what I don’t see? An American flag pin. Pence is wearing one but not Cheetolini. Perhaps he insisted on wearing the pin Putin gave him and the compromise was no pin at all?

You know, I noticed the sniffing and palate-sucking was back during his speech. He might not drink, but the man seems to enjoy his blow.

I really want him to succomb to the stress and beat the William Henry Harrison record (31 days.)

Is that bucket hat a nod to Donald’s shower preference?

They’ve done a good job at Jez of blasting Trump’s asinine policies for months.  But deservedly mocking a grown man who supposedly has money to burn yet refuses/cannot dress properly (ill fitting, unbuttoned suits, tie down to his crotch like a circus clown, tape instead of a tie pin/bar, don’t get me going on the

“It’s amazing the things you notice. Like the Scotch tape that was holding his tie together. Like he was from a poor family and couldn’t afford a tie clip. It’s all I could see. The whole world was that sad, translucent piece of Scotch tape...”



I’ve been extra proud to be a Californian lately because none of our representatives are giving any fucks. No subtlety coming from our state. We’re chill until we’re not.

The Trumps will never be able to perform any shade, because shade requires the ability to read deeply and connect dots. Shade is semiotics. Not a single member of that family possesses the subtlety, attention to detail, or nuance to truly understand shade, much less throw it.

Raising livestock, basically.

Subtlety is the heart of shade. Donald J. Trump has not one subtle cell in his body. QED.