
The religious right would never vote for dirty, tree hugging hippy like Jesus. Why, that guy hangs around with whores and lepers.

Why did Trump question the legitimacy of Obama with the birth certificate fiasco? And it’s been 8 years and people STILL aren’t giving Obama a chance? Trump should be able to take the shit he dishes out.

Postmaster General.

Maybe Das Trumpenfurher can give him a job in HUD with Sleepy Ben and Steve Harvey.....Can’t wait for supreme court justice Gary Busey

He’s king of the money changers in the temple and these slavering morons wave their Jesus signs like trained chimps...

And he’s an anti-vaxxer, so fuck him extra hard

I smell a job filling up at the Department of film and Entertainment.

Well, look at his inaugural “entertainment.” My one good joke about this mess was when I told my husband Sinbad was going to perform. He bought it for a second.

Who says Trump can’t get big entertainers for the inauguration???

How long before Rob Schneider is a cabinet member?

Whatever the fuck he considers himself, he’s a patronizing dickhead who has appeared in yellowface. He can fuck right off.

I haven’t heard a perspective this incisive since the third lead of California Dreams Snapchatted his thoughts on the Clean Water Act.

Can’t wait to watch him do standup at the inauguration!!!

I once got into an argument with some guy at a bar about something that happened at a college football game that took place when he was 14 and watched on TV.

So how long before Trump meets personally with Rob Schneider?

Yeah I can’t tell you how often i have been startled awake from a deep sleep, wondering out loud “how does Rob Schneider feel about this?”

Fuck Him. With a pointy sticky in case you actually thought I wanted you to fuck Rob Schneider and give him some pleasure. No. I’m OK I just need to breath deep.

Deuce Bigalow: Civil Rights Gigolo

I have a feeling the next four years will be chock full of whitesplaining.

Wow. Whitesplaining and Douchesplaining in one go. Well done, now go fuck yourself!