Will not be watching. Ratings are what he craves the most.
Will not be watching. Ratings are what he craves the most.
I’m re-watching Obama’s farewell speech.
I’m not watching that shit show (the inauguration) either. Unfortunately clips of it will be played ad nauseam so we won’t be able to miss it entirely.
“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”
Trump’s end game is to enrich himself, his family and cronies, and stick it to his “enemies.” Ryan’s and McConnell’s is to amass and hold as much power as possible. If accomplishing these things requires trampling civil liberties, dismantling safety nets —pfft. To them, their ends justify the means.
Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.
It won’t matter, they’ve convinced themselves that Obamacare is the worst thing ever and anything (including nothing!) is a better option.
Well,that and,the biggest gripe from these people (apart from the obvious hatred that a Black man created something useful for a majority of Americans), is about how expensive it is,or how much their premiums went up. Do they not realize that,if they didn’t have it,and they get a stroke,or have to have an appendix…
At this extreme, they kind of preclude each other. He’s either so cognitively impaired he isn’t aware he got the briefing, or he’s aware and lying about it. (These are both terrifying options.) This lying being distinct from his usual bullshitting, where the reality of the situation is irrelevant to his words and…
Yeah, I know what you mean, but the schadenfreude is tempered by how many people are going to lose health insurance who voted against him, not to mention the actual deaths that will occur as a result. And given that so many Trump voters are low-information to the point of being no information, some will never realize…
“How does the leak feel when it’s spraying in your direction, Orange Hitler?”
I am just waiting until the plug on Obamacare gets pulled and see how many people suddenly realize that the ACA was Obamacare all along and suddenly find themselves without insurance. Granted, it’s a bit of a dark thing to be deriving entertainment from, but let’s face it; at this point it takes nothing less than a…
Oh I know. But the initial dishonesty seemed worthy of pointing out, as least so others don’t fall into the same fallacious thinking accidentally. That and I was in a poor mood due to similar trolls elsewhere.
I believe she’d be better named as Kremlin Kelly.
I know the “Turmp” in the third paragraph is an error, but can we keep calling him that? Turmp is remarkably close to the sound my stomach makes whenever I hear his name anyway.
What I find completely galling is the double-standard that conservatives have shown in their reaction to the news about Donald Trump’s connections with Russia.
Tomi Lahren has been quickly shooting to the top of my list of Trump propagandists I hate the most. But nobody beats Kellyanne Goebbels. Fuck you, Kellyanne!
This is the woman who said that a Trump lie wasn’t a lie because he didn’t know for a fact that what he was saying wasn’t true, and the woman who just the other day said we should look at what is in Trump’s heart and not listen to what he says.
Just once i would like someone to ask her, ‘will Trump and his administration plan to respect the will of the voters.’ When she responds with something about ‘we most certainly will/why we won the vote’ the follow-up response being ‘what about the respecting the will of the majority of the voters?’ ‘Trump may have won…
I am waiting for the video that shows her hoofs in plain sight.