
Yea. I don’t want to “wait and see” or fucking “heal” this country. Their idea of us healing this nation is me not standing up for the civil rights of myself and others and just watching terrible things happen. Hell no. Democrats need to play by the republican playbook for a while, and honestly we would still have

Madeleine - Nicole & Keith have two daughters not one. I know most people only remember Sunday Roast but they have Faith Margaret as well.

I do believe that people can change. I do believe that you can teach people (with more patience than I have) the error of their ways and get them to understand that, while they may not be responsible for sins of the past, we still need to recognize that bad things have happened and work to ensure they don’t happen

So the people that also voted for your preferred candidate are *dead to you* because of the manner in which they did it? By ‘did it’ I mean, actually still voting for your preferred candidate? Hm.

My FIL insists that Hillary has done absolutely nothing good for the US in the past thirty years. Yet, he had no reply when I reminded him that she’s a large part of why his grandson has health coverage right now. Wee Inq is on CHIP, which was once known as SCHIP, which she was a large proponent of after her universal

He didn’t promise prosperity and security for all.
He used open racism and dog whistles to promise to return america to a time when being white meant you a pretty damn good chance of having a good paying job, a nice car, and 4 nice walls.

I’m Jewish. According to a good many Trump supporters (and Breitbart readers), I ain’t white. In fact, according to a good many of them, I’m not even human.

Fuck off with your false equivalency bullshit. This isn’t an election that elected Marco Rubio or John Kasich or any other normal decent human being who just has a different political philosophy. This is Donald Fucking Trump, a white nationalist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, know nothing, con man, liar,

I really don’t need to understand people who voted for an openly racist candidate. Those people don’t even think I’m the same kind of human as them. They want to take away some of my rights. So no, I don’t need to hear all about their feelings on how people like me and my friends are taking over “their” country. Fuck

Fuck that.

I’m sorry but I don’t buy that someone who voted for Obama, twice or even once, has now voted for Trump.

I’ve said this through the entire election. Democrats/liberals insist on fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules against an opponent who is eye gouging, kicking us in the nuts, and using brass knux. I don’t care if she’d have been called a “bitch” for it, Hillary should have demolished him in the debates the first

“The people who remember the superpredator/bring them to heel/ I know where I’m from/ I’ve got the white vote locked Clinton that you people love to ignore. Clinton was a shit candidate and there is no denying that simple truth.”

Thank you. I don’t care if people do the right thing happily or reluctantly. They didn’t fucking abstain, vote third party, or vote trump. This idealism shit needs to end. If you want a reliable leader, you need every vote you can get (particularly in like 5 important states), and you dont get to police how people

People like this think it’s “funny” and “cute” and “edgy” to do the Nazi salute. They need to crack open a history book... and then take that book and shove it up their fucking ass because no amount of education will make them see the light. These people don’t deserve my love, sorry.

I see no reason to give shitstains like this the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance. And they voted for Trump. That was their chance and they fucked it up.

By the looks of every other object the guy pulled from the trash to furnish the place with, it was probably 40+ years old and busted with attempted duct tape repairs.

Politico obtained a copy of the NDA, which bars those working on the transition from “disclosing info about major portions of the transition work, like policy briefings, personnel material, donor info, fundraising goals, budgets, contracts, or any draft research papers.”

Good Gravy. Where?!?!

NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of