
Trump is precisely the kind of nut the college was supposed to protect us from, but probably won’t because they don’t realize their role or their power.

The truth has consequences. Lies have even further reaching consequences. If tampering is found, it should be revealed. Period. The truth can’t take a backseat because some group of people might be angry.

It would make sense that Clinton won Florida, I agree.

I think she won FL too. I really do. Her numbers were MASSIVE in the early votes + absentee ballots and new registered voters there. Unprecedentedly massive!  Steve Schale (Obama’s FL analyst who did HRC’s this year) commented on his Twitter that he was stunned by the turnout Trump got in a couple counties in FL.

Democrats need to stand watch behind those state BOE offices in those swing counties to make sure the Repubs aren’t making midnight runs to the dumpster or farm with bags full of votes.

Democrats need to stand watch behind those state BOE offices in those swing counties to make sure the Repubs aren’t making midnight runs to the dumpster or farm with bags full of votes. I’d put nothing past them. They are corrupt.

That’s really more where my small hope sits, in all likelihood these states won’t flip, but considering how much more of the popular vote she got, my only hope is that the electoral college grows a backbone and does the job that were initially created to do.

Or 27,257. Which is the difference between Trump’s total and Clinton’s total.

Of course. It’s almost impossible not to hope a LITTLE bit. Especially given the voter disenfranchisement. It really is possible that a great many legally registered voters were only able to vote provisionally, and that those votes have not been counted. That’s the kind of malfeasance a recount will reveal.

I’m hopeful for the long term, but terrified for the short term. Because if they are, the deplorables are going to burn things down.

This is all I can picture. Am holding true to it.

My best hope is that it will prove that electronic voting without a printed backup is inherently unsafe, and is eliminated from future elections.

Me! I am! I am! Just now, I imagined Trump’s tweets and interviews if she wins because of the recounts!!!! Hahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!! WHAT MAJESTY! It tastes like honey with cream in my mind!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Yep. I really wish I could say something reassuring but I just spent time tap dancing on twitter trying to avoid saying out loud that the safest outcome here is that this goes in Trump’s favour and everyone commits to toughening up and going in hard for the 2018 votes. It’s a terrible truth.

I have spent years wondering what average Germans thought of the Nazis. There is precious little record of how people dealt with the rising violence and inequality.

This is our record. I have no illusions about how unlikely it is that any of our attempts to keep Trump out of office might work. That’s not the point

Apathetic, since the chances of this changing any of what just happened are extraordinarily small.

The rest of the money goes to pay for the lawyers. She is giving any leftover to efforts to overhaul our election system. Personally, I hope she gives it to Eric Holder to aid him in his effort to abolish the electoral college.

I disagree.

“Jennifer Aniston caught between a dumb playboy and a handsome nerd?”

Oh, there’s plenty of outrage. You must follow different twitter accounts than I do. I can’t fucking read twitter anymore because everyone tweets something Trump or one of his cronies has said or done, and then tweets, “This is terrifying.” I’d like to know how they’d feel if the new President had once used a private