
I get that the Kardashians are close-knit, but the crowds that they bring into the delivery room are insane. I think Rob was even there when Kourtney had hers? I love my brother, my brother is a great uncle to his nephews, and I would probably be psyched if he came into town when I was expecting a kid and even came

I’ve always thought asexual or a highly functioning sociopath. Not like the murdering or running for President without any qualifications kind, but more the “Okay a regular person would laugh here - HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” His actions/reactions when not on the screen have always seemed a bit off.

Oh no! I’m finding it hard to continue writing, as my mind won’t stop imagining what it would be like if we shared a bed and precious bodily fluids.

Can’t get a copy of Mein Kampf but this’ll work.

The fucking thing stands taller than the house. You seriously don’t have a problem living next door, or across the street from this? Ok, fine. Maybe I like my neighborhood classy. I’m sorry.

The trailer is an eyesore. You can’t use the argument of “it’s my property, I’ll do whatever the fuck I want” argument. That is why our country is at odds with each other. Yes, you have the right, but as a decent human being, you should not be a dick. Work with your neighbors. They paid good money for the house, just

Which reminds me, Scott Adams will no longer be oppressed by v-neck sweaters very soon! (Seriously, what a maroon.)

Dammit, Lucy!

I’m going to start showing these types of pictures and stories to people in blue states that think we’re not working hard enough down here to turn Texas and The South purple.

If someone wants to claim superior genes they should at least workout a lot, and/or get a couple PhD’s. I might believe Dwayne The Rock Johnson has superior genes for example.

He looks like he wishes he looked like a used car salesman.

Newsflash: no one cares/pays attention to policy that necessitates the use of a drafting table and a fucking T-square to figure out.

It’s just meaningless. Donald Trump didn’t win this election, winged monkeys stole it and flew off to Oz with it!! Whatever, man.

It’s true, and it’s why I have so little patience for the Bernie Bros who wouldn’t fall in line after the primaries.

Yes. Also, consider the section of the exit poll (NYT link below) where they broke down the vote by “Family Financial Situation” For those whose family financial situation is “Better Today” Clinton won 72-24. For those who said it was “about the same” it was tied 46-46. For those who said it was “Worse Today”

It’s not half - only 54% of registered voters even voted AT ALL, or 36% of all who could have had they been registered and made it to the polls.

Democrats fracture along personal pet issues, Republicans just...hate everything, but at least they do it together?

It’s surprising how many people are ignoring basic political science, that capturing the White House for a third term is *incredibly* difficult. Incumbents themselves have a natural advantage (which is why you frequently see even unpopular presidents gain a 2nd term), but the third term is the exception. Consider also

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:

70 million people voted for Obama in 2008. 59.6 million voted for Clinton (she still won the popular vote). Democrats have won the popular vote in every election since 1988 with the exception of 2004. Democrats need to find out what happened to the 10+ million people who voted for Obama in 2008.

Rural whites in