

Trump supporters don’t understand how laws work. Clinton needs to commit a crime before she can be “locked up”. They want him to make America great again by destroying the very rules of law this country was founded on.

Trump’s craziest supporters are going to HATE him. Very soon.

This is why I SO fucking hate all this ridiculous, stupid talk of how the white middle class voters were voting to ‘shake things up in Washington’, and get rid of ‘career politicians’. They want outsiders!

Here’s hoping that a Trump presidency brings the country together.....................united against him in anger because he is a con man who will accomplish absolutely nothing of merit.

I imagine that’s the look of someone experiencing real responsibility for the first time in his life while also realizing he has no safety net. If/when he screws up the GOP establishment would like nothing more than to impeach him and replace him with pense. And then he goes down in history as a presidential loser.

I know. In my hometown, people had a tradition of leaving them all sitting next to each other on a slope next to the highway, facing the road. So you’d go by, seeing several dozen of these things staring at you with gaping mouths and rotting eye holes, gradually caving in over weeks. The city discouraged this, but

Of course he looks like shit. Right now he thought he’d be riding a wave of hatred into a conservative media empire so profitable that it would have put Fox News to shame. He promised the racists every single implausible thing they wanted because he believed he stood zero chance of having to implement them but now he

He’s so going to croak in office. Nothing about him looks healthy.

Yeah, turns out, white Americans really love their unapologetic racists. If only there was some kind of book with all of America’s history recorded in it, he could have read that, and would have known this.

How long till he cracks? Seriously, he clearly never wanted the job in the first place; the candidacy was supposed to be a backdoor pilot for a media empire. Now he’ll have to face mountains of responsibility plus crowds of protesters. And he can’t spend all his time hiding in Trump Tower either. The one thing that

He looks terrified. Maybe somewhere in that dim primitive little brain there’s one tiny vestigial little mote of sanity telling him, Big boy, you’re so far up your own ass you may never climb back out again.

It’s not pretty. This guy has no clue what he’s gotten himself into or is even cognizant about the major shit that he has stirred.

I honestly don’t think that’s true. I don’t think he wanted to win. All the info we have suggests that he has no interest in being president. He wants to live in the Trump Tower and enjoy the adoration from his fans. He doesn’t want to have to be in the White House and do anything that resembles work.

Now what that

Remember school starts early tomorrow. You shouldn’t be up this late.

I don’t think “Charlie” is a literal single person, but I think you’re absolutely right.

It does. It’s like the orange that got stuck way in the back of my fridge and was forgotten for an unfortunately long time.

I do not like orange people, to that I must confess. But there are so few, and only one of them is “president.”

He is going to bring the country together. As soon as his followers realize he can’t lock her up, we’re going to be the United States of Fuck Donald Trump.

How very presidential of him. That orange-crusted shitgibbon who will never be my president.