I was listening to the latest episode of 2 Dope Queens, and they were talking about how Michelle clearly loves Obama, but he is head-over-heels for her in every photo. He can’t keep his eyes off her. He is the heart-eyed emoji. I love that so much.
I was listening to the latest episode of 2 Dope Queens, and they were talking about how Michelle clearly loves Obama, but he is head-over-heels for her in every photo. He can’t keep his eyes off her. He is the heart-eyed emoji. I love that so much.
Ms. Lohan wants to clarify that her finger was lost in a freak accident, and definately not because she didn’t pay her debts on time and thereby offended a high ranking member of the Japanese Yakuza, who decided to take a finger as payment.
I do think those kids are cute and their parents (esp Kate) are rockstars for not forcing them to perform for the random assholes who are constantly trying to get a good photo op. They’re toddlers. Let them live.
Those children are the most British royalty in generations. Thank god for Diana and Kate.
Husband was part of the security team when they arrived in Victoria last week. He said she’s absolutely ridiculously beautiful in person.
Kate waved directly at me when she visited Yellowknife, NWT Canada last year. I was the only one around. She appears to glow in person
Why do I get an American Psycho vibe from that picture?
I didn’t take it as infantilizing. Delicate bone structure, autumnal coloring, that quote from 73 Questions... Apt, poetic, appropriate.
I agree: perfect description! It’s almost like I felt this description was correct my entire life, but I wasn’t able to phrase it.
“trembling autumnal leaf Nicole Kidman”
When our second child came along, a well-meaning but rather dotty family friend told me earnestly, “Make sure you label all the baby pictures. You wouldn’t believe this now, but someday you won’t remember which picture is of which child!”
ha! My 2 year old screams “go go go go” to any stopped car. Makes sense since he hangs out with his Angry Pedestrian Dad all day long. His South Philly accent hasn’t creeped in...yet.
I agree with you. What’s the harm in watching a video of a little girl at a party? I do wonder how the Royal Family functions in the modern world, given they have no real power. Are they just kind of good will ambassadors for the UK?
Would that be English channeling?
I was in there three days ago (visiting from Seattle) and almost all the people volunteering there were black, and the vast majority of the rest were people of color. I saw only a couple of white faces. So, yes. Sorry to ruin your snarky “question”, but the answer is an emphatic yes.
Here’s some shit Jezebel didn’t…
Well, according to them, it didn’t come close, because the tourists that sought out the shop because of Portlandia only took selfies outside. They also pointed out that letting the show film there was hurting *other* businesses in the area, who weren’t getting paid by the show or getting any of that hypothetical…
I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”
Honestly? I think Trump’s scandal history is going to be 1000x worse than Bill Cosby’s when he loses the election. The bigger they are, the harder they will fall after all. He has a hold on so many people’s financial lives as well as the common fear of challenging a rich tycoon that many cannot speak a hint of truth…