
Charles & Camilla were both single when they met; he just couldn’t get off his butt and propose to her, so she accepted Andrew Parker Bowles, a rather dashing Army officer, instead. When Charles & Diana married, Camilla & Andrew were also married. Long story short, Camilla being a divorcee was never an impediment to

No; I mean the crazy shit that they’ve been saying and doing publicly since the engagement announcement. Wealth and stature are not prerequisites for dignity and discretion.

Messy; yes, but they didn’t blab while Diana was HRH Princess of Wales. Her older sister Sarah was jettisoned after making an innocuous remark to a reporter while she was dating Charles, so they learned their lesson well — keep the lip zipped. Diana’s brother Charles was quite vocal about his sister’s mistreatment at

I do think it’s a huge failing on Meghan and Harry’s part that her parents seem to be expected to take part in this incredibly intimidating spectacle with essentially no preparation. At the same time, her father backing out at the last minute seems to have left her in the lurch — unless we go down a conspiracy rabbit

Yep; I know all about Kate’s uncle. As I responded to your other reply, when I made my comment about her stable family I was referring to her parents and siblings, in contract to Meghan’s wackadoo parent & (half) siblings.

Uncle Gary is a nightmare, to be sure. I was thinking of Kate’s parents & siblings when I made my comment about her stable family. The Markles who are causing such a ruckus are Meghan’s parent and (half) siblings; hence the apples to apples comparison.

I agree there’s a degree of difference there, but normally those who marry into the Royal family, and their families, don’t speak publicly at all. That’s why it was so enormously shocking when Diana gave information to Andrew Morton, and sat for that disastrous Panorama interview. The Spencers have never breathed a

Does anyone else think it’s really weird that Meghan’s parents weren’t flown to London a couple of weeks ago, so they could meet the Royal family, acclimate to their surroundings, see St. George’s Chapel & Frogmore House, get their wardrobes in order, get over their friggin jet lag, and spend time with their daughter

And in recent news, Meghan’s mom recently had a meeting with Oprah, so maybe she’s planning to cash in as well. This is some cray cray shit for a Royal wedding!

Maybe some vuvuzelas and the announcer screeching “Vooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwws” at the conclusion of the ceremony?

Hang on just a darn minute. Are you saying you ran William’s debit card in your bar??? Cause that’s something you need to share in more detail.

In the over the shoulder photo I thought it was a pretty dress, but from the front ... not so much.

What baffles me is that Rudy Guliani was an Associate A.G., and was the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York — a serious person, in other words. What the hell happened?!?

The fact that Ann Curry went to NBC HR to report their Matt Lauer problem provides a lot of insight into why Matt Lauer was gunning to have her fired from the Today Show anchor spot. It was a hit job.

I think Melania wore that giant hat so that she could lower her head and glower at Trump from under the brim without being caught by the cameras.

I have never, ever seen her look as happy and relaxed with Trump as she is here with Obama. Big surprise, I know.

It drives me nuts, too! And she does it all the time ~ it seems to be a thing with her. She must think it’s cool and fashion’y, but it just looks awkward and ridiculous.

His skill as a storyteller was on full display in the memos. They were riveting!

I cannot for the life of me fathom any woman, ever, wanting to have sex with Trump even a single time, so all this talk of affairs, wives, and sex addiction makes my head spin and my stomach turn.

True. It’s always bothered me that he treats his brother so shabbily, regardless of how big a wanker that brother seems to be. I’m no fan of Charles, clearly.