
My wife and I read that book, and I can attest to how dramatically it can change your living situation around. We've always had a hard time getting rid of stuff, but we made a real effort after reading the book, and I don't think our house has ever been this neat and tidy. It's fantastic. Changes your whole outlook

Sounds like we need "I'm Done" sticks for lifehacker readers.

We do a similar thing with fighting. I have a cup of sticks with various things and when they fight they each have to pull a stick. Some of it is easy, like "say something nice about your sister," but a few are cleaning tasks. I think they prefer the randomness of it because we've been using it for a year and they're

Until he turned to a life of crime and "cooking."

Well yes, but does she bend in photographs?

Bent spine and bent knees... Looking good!

Cool. Now, how to we fix Kinja?

One thing I left out of the piece here is, if it's an option for you, to pay someone else to do it for you. If your time is more valuable than the money you would spend having someone else clean your home, then it's always an option. As Adam Pash noted a while back: If Money Can Buy You Happiness, Use It.

I was a gusher, too!

You can put baby clothes in sunlight for a few hours to bleach out poop.

The one I didn't see was grease from stove tops.

Untrue. Borax soak and vinegar wash, combined with a sunlit air dry will get it.

How do you propose to do that in Michigan in February?

I'm perpetually searching for systems that can make my daily life easier. I found a similar system that has potential, but hasn't matured yet:
I contacted these "Kitchen Attendant" people via Facebook and emailed a person listed as a company officer. So far they haven't shared too much

Very well, thanks. ;)

Treat failure like a scientist....but how should you treat scientists???

I'm a scientist. For me, failure is if I don't even manage to get any results ;)