
Dang, I have a feeling that may be the case with my HP printer, too. The husband isn't going to like that.

Actually, I love the vintage color. It's not one they sell these days.

Yeah, I had a hard time finding the what's in it for them info, so thanks for pointing that out.

Nice indeed!

Great name. My son is named Cyrus!

And I thought all those hippies at the food co-op were so innovative with their homemade cheese wire!

I figured it out! I didn't have Bonjour on the laptop. What was I thinking? Seems so obvious now. Super psyched to be printing wirelessly! Now I just have to troubleshoot a problem scanning on the desktop and I'll be good to go. Thanks again for your recommendation and help, Paul.

I have my grandma's kitchen aid mixer in avocado green. They last forever!

Have you tried cod liver oil (taking it internally)? I have eczema and by accident I found that the right dose of cod liver oil makes a huge difference. I use to take it only occasionally—really only when my kids remember to ask me for their vitamins. I hadn't taken it for a while and I was reminded, as usual, when my

Paul, so I got the Airport Express and after much tinkering finally got it configured and it seems to be quite zippy as a router. I have not been able to get wireless printing work, however. I posted my issue to the Apple support community. Here's the support thread - I'd appreciate any suggestions!


And I never knew you could freeze lemons.

Interesting, Alan. I thought the same thing as AlasdairGF at first based on a trip to Italy where I was surprised to see eggs on an un-refridgerated shelf in a super market. You learn something new every day.

You get me, right?

Thanks Whitson! No more navigating a complicated directory for me. Yippee!

My family belonged to a food co-op in the 70's and everyone had to volunteer some time at the co-op, which meant I had to come along and help my mom. She was the one who cut up huge blocks of cheese into smaller portions for purchase and always used a length of wire wrapped around short lengths of dowel at the ends


I really appreciate all of the recommendations and I'll check out all the books you recommend. All roads keep leading me back to cutting wheat and dairy. In my heart, I know we would probably all be better off without wheat and dairy, but it terrifies me at the same time. We eat a very healthy pescetarian, mostly

Probably, one of the best ways to wrangle my to do list is to start using one tool consistently! Thanks to LH, I keep trying new apps in search of the best one for my needs.

I'd love your recommendations. My son (6 years old) was recently diagnosed and with ADHD for inattention. Any advice for nutritional supplements or dietary changes that can help?