Yes, yes! Co workers and I were just discussing our fav to do apps. I love Evernote, but not as a task manager. Yet.
Yes, yes! Co workers and I were just discussing our fav to do apps. I love Evernote, but not as a task manager. Yet.
I just listened to a piece on NPR All Things Considered this week on kids' lunches in Japan. I think the visual appeal of bento can really encourage more healthful eating, especially with kids.
me too!
Have you heard that gum chewing in class can help kids w/ attention issues? Bet your 4th grade teacher never would have allowed that either.
You're right. My only excuse is that going to IKEA takes a long time! I can never seem to get out of that place in under 5 hours.
Love ATK! And, yes, those pancakes are REALLY good.
I like it! Been thinking about making a standing desk myself and this might be the inspiration I need.
I'm a proud rinser
Try the Email Game. It was recommended in the comments of another Life Hacker post. I tried it and really like it!
I highly recommend making bread from spent beer making grains. If you have too much spent grains for one batch of bread, freeze the extra.
Exactly what came to mind!
Great tip! Another Lifehacker turned me on to using a scanning app on my phone and I love it. I'm using Camscanner. I haven't gone so far as to upload content to Evernote or Dropbox, but scanning on my phone is surprisingly easy and great quality.
Finally just got my hands on Wunderlist2 and that was the first thing that struck me. There's also no way to change the order of sub tasks either short of deleting and re-entering them. I'm going to have a look at that some other Lifehackers recommend
If you're looking for a good price on an HDMI cable check Amazon. I bought a 6 footer for $5.49.
Kinda makes sense... after all Android users aren't willing to pay as much for their phones as iPhone users.
Maybe this topic is a contender for Hive Five?
Depending on how tiny it is, I might be willing to pay for my perfect solution. I'll investigate BigOven. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the Paprika suggestion. I'll check it out.
I'm still looking for that perfect recipe/meal planning tool. Been using Ziplist and it has the potential to be awesome, but it's usability is lacking, which makes me hate it at times.
Shocking isn't it?! Going to try to use asshats in a sentence with family over the holidays