
Going to jail? no sir...You're going to...

I've said it for months, you could not pay me enough money to go to Sochi for the Olympics. This does not look like it is going to be a safe event.

Would someone mind linking me to a study that causally links man's activities to global warming? I'm not debating that it exists or that CO2 is bound to increase the temperature of the globe. I've just never actually seen anyone post a study that causally links the two. I've seen several things that seem to

You need to realize that 10K surveys were mailed out for the 97% consensus claims, only to climate scientists, and only 79 replied, 77 of which agreed with a *soft* statement of global warming (do emissions significantly enhance warming?). Yet 30K real scientists signed an anti-alarm petition, including myself, a

"2013, which tied for the hottest year since 1880" so, what you're saying is that 2013, after 133 years of technological progress, is just as hot as 1880... and that's supposed to make your case for global warming?

So what do you want to do about it? Nuke China and India so they quit industrializing? All these climate scientists ever seem to do is endless redundant observation. If you're so convinced that the end is nigh, maybe it would be worth while to pursue possible solutions? I have, for example, never seen a single piece

Yes, socialism is remarkably successful at ridding the world of excess humans just ask the National socialists, the Soviet Socialist, and the Chinese Socialists, the Cambodian socialists.

In the name of science, what is even being depicted here? Averages for the entire year? Average Highs? Average departures from norm? Seriously, this graphic is meaningless without information of what is being shown...all we get is a scale on the left that shows a +/- 2ºc deviation, but we don't know from what and

Wow, the UN's IPCC acknowledges the past 15 years have shown STABLE worldwide temps and is at a loss to explain that temp stability at a time of CO2 reaching 400ppm for the first time

Wait, that pimp Loki drives a Jag???

For those folks upset that private industries are taking the helm on this, there is a really good fix. Re-activating Yucca mountain.

...and the endgame of nuclear storage (they're going to make a crap load of money):

Most underrated horror movie EVER. Also best HP Lovecraft adaptation without actually being an HP Lovecraft adaptation EVER.

We just rewatched this a few weeks ago. It still holds up, and I love that ending. =D